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APD Officer
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About T3x4sSl4y3r1776

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. https://gyazo.com/e7e2d3d80ff1d2f81abe4d4eb394754e
  2. shut the fuck up trailer park cuck. no one cares about what you have to say and you are going to get gang raped by a bunch of rednecks in the navy
  3. this post confirms that summer fags are here
  4. // pd hostile takeover, dont say i didnt warn anybody
  5. i liked gummy better when he was bald
  6. ranks in a gang are cancer, i can understand having a leader and then non leaders but what is the point of trying to create an hierarchy in a gang
    1. Turtle Chris

      Turtle Chris

      What the hell is this

    2. iPopsicle


      41 minutes ago, Turtle Chris said:

      What the hell is this


    3. platinumfire


      44 minutes ago, Turtle Chris said:


      What the hell is this



  7. ts is already set up and most people are comfortable with it so i dont see it changing anytime soon. Imo ts > discord because i feel that teamspeak gives a lot more power to people that need it and customization of channels, groups, clients, etc.
  8. its a short playlist but if you are looking for some interesting hip hop heres mine https://play.spotify.com/user/quintinxd1/playlist/7JDhLKRwlz7Kn6MQ4BzFbf got a few tracks you may not know on there
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