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Everything posted by ScreaM

  1. sold to the retarded kid in the front row
  2. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/853847846013783395/503D38485039E844E12A3BAD3ACA6F4F4F5D5207/ ill take 2 mil
  3. me and @Jmb own aimware so ez win
  4. srry for the delayed response PM me
  5. what kind of house like for a drug or for fuckin around in kavala
  6. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/853847846013783395/503D38485039E844E12A3BAD3ACA6F4F4F5D5207/ offer if you want it otherwise ill just use it
  7. +1 great idea. maybe before summer is over?
  8. Hi my friend @Haiwood would like to buy this IP address for research purposes only.
  9. Did I make it on TV? Shouldn't have talked like you knew rules when you didn't cuz now everyone is coming at your neck, or what used to be your neck.
  10. improv brought to you by me
  11. 400 meter athira rebel house 1 mil pm me

  12. how about athira my guy
  13. This is a completely logical post
  14. Wasteland brought to you by Olympus. What people will do for virtual housing is insane

    1. Turtle


      tfw you give your friends the password and they get in and you don't :(


    2. ScreaM


      I didn't get in, but prime ts was " I got in, I'm in, oh I got rdmed by tree"

  15. @Monkeysz thanks for the shoutout cunt <3
  16. anyone have Friday the 13th? looking for some ppl to play with

    1. QKSILVR73


      crap forgot about that game

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    3. ScreaM


      @Bubbaloo Burrito get it on PC too pls thx

  17. if anyone wants to play sid meiers civ 5 PM me I need someone to play with

  18. 1. IGN: scream 2. How did you find Olympus?: After a server called Mecca died me and some friends started The Abusement Park on here. Katiba squad. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Going under the alias gang Blood Diamond Incorporated with the boys @Snare @AndrewFam
  19. 1: most cancerous forums poster : Dangus Dean that kid has some issues 2: most toxic in ts : Orange that kid needs new parents 3: most likely to rage quit : Harwood the barbarian
  20. In shelter in place in Cleveland. Guy was murdered 5 minutes away. 

    1. Outcast


      Just saw the video, crazy how someone could do that to an old man walking down the street.

    2. KrispyK


      what happened? clevelands 30 minutes from me


    3. KrispyK


      holy shit stay safe dude

  21. I got a pair of csat urban if anyone wants it offer

  22. April fools bitches.
  23. ScreaM Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes There aren't any other games I would really want.
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