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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. @McDili I’m hoping you kee your promise


    1. kev
    2. -dante-


      Dili likes things that cause absolute hell so stand by. Anything is possible. :dejaywink:

    3. drraison


      I was thinking about what it would be like to add those. Maybe blackwater only, or maybe 2-3mil / piece.. especially for a AT vehicle. 

  2. Actions speak louder than words
  3. Congratz @Egnazio on Sgt! Well deserved.

  4. Yeah, it’s just one of those things where it’s so hard to see past a big smile and funny laugh that someone has. RIP Socio.
  5. It’s never an easy thing to want to talk about when you go through something like this. I’ve gone through it and had a close friend end his life 3 years ago. Depression and suicide isn’t a joke and you want to go through it alone, but you can’t. What eventually helped me was talking to someone. For me it was one of my brothers. Losing someone is one of the hardest things that can happen to someone, especially when you were close to them. I played with socio a few times on cop and god was his laugh funny. He always seemed to be happy and so it’s hard to think he would end his own life. To anyone who was friends with him or a relative, I’m praying for you.
  6. Ahh he’s referring to the donation goal from March that is going to be implemented in this next update. Misunderstood, my bad
  7. Why did you make two separate posts asking for the same thing.
  8. I somewhat doubt this considering they already have a donation goal that is pretty big to be adding.
  9. Thanks @Julian for not accepting him. He definitely is reformed.
  10. o7 Ignis. Definitely were a good staff member
  11. Oh boy this'll be fun..... I'm just excited for slaughtering every soul that even dares breathe a single breath.
  12. b2d904c97d439692cff4f741c4e971a4.png

    RIP @Sam1! It almost feels like you're still with us

  13. This is the longest and most constructive post I’ve ever seen you write. So keep drinking even more.
  14. It’s for an "essay" about why you want to be in the R&R.
  15. This forums is half as toxic as it was 45 minutes ago. That’s a win for Olympus.

  16. Low key super confused on what has happened today. Any chance someone can enlighten me on who’s come and gone and all that shit.

    1. destruct


      Team OS


      -Isaac Newton




    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Welcome @Jamie @Arigato @Eggman to mod

      o7 @Lucki from mod

      o7 @Isaac Newton from admin

      o7 @Dominick Ramos from sapd

    3. Dangus


      Well shit.... that kind of sucks but congratz to the new mods.

  17. The entire planet. The community of scientists who also devote their lives to science. We wouldn’t know nearly as much as we would if Stephen Hawking devote his life. He was one of the most brilliant men to ever live. His name is being put next to Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Aristotle, and many other scientists who advanced human understanding.
  18. Know we care because he was one of the smartest men to ever live and advanced the human understanding of so many areas of our galaxy. Not to mention he could have stopped once he was diagnosed with ALS and given up, but instead he continued living and devoting his life to science. So, respectfully, shut the fuck up. gotta love down voting your post and then within a minute you downvote of one of my random posts. Salty?
  19. Another thing. It seems like moonshine is a super short run now. You also can have less risk if you own houses in any of the three DP's between new trader and processing. With the old trader you had to go a long distance from pro and also had more risk as lots of people travel across the area you had to drive. Now, if you just finish your run and travel to the east coast, there’s pretty much no risk considering no one ever goes over that coast. In general, it’s far too easy without houses, and with houses nearby it’s insanely easy money.
  20. Save your breath Seth
  21. He’s not asking IF you were about both but WHICH ONE do you worry about more. In my opinion, helis are more dangerous there as that area is not commonly patrolled by most cops in ground vehicles.
  22. I think coke gang hideout needs to be moved now cause coke is now a pretty short run and that gang shed is right along the MSR which isn’t the most ideal. Maybe move it to the other side and move it a couple hundred meters off of the MSR.
  23. There’s a lot of other reasons. It’s closest to warzone so you’re more likely to have rebels rob you. It’s in a spot that is commonly flown over by police when traveling from neochori or pyrgos to kavala, and viceversa. It’s also one of the longest ones and requires you to cross a popular MSR and also goes near a black market. Not to mention it’s very out of the way of any escape.
  24. WTF????? Pilot coveralls are nowhere near 1.3 mil. You high?? Like for real you're offering 1.95 mil for a T5 vest and pilot coveralls. You're and insane and if anyone buys them they're even more insane
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