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It's time to say enough.

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5 minutes ago, Dezree said:

As for everyone else, it has been so much fun playing with you guys. Every day I looked forward to spending time with you guys, creating funny memories. You won’t be forgotten.

Don't forget that we are still human.

- Dezree

Dezree this makes me so incredibly sad to see this. You have shown me so much love and encouragement over the course of my time on Olympus and I can't ever make it up to you. You are one of the strongest people I know. You have been through such much, especially in the last couple of years and to this day you manage to surprise me with the amount of heartbreak that you can pull through. You can always put a smile on someones face and your contributions to this community can not be forgotten.

For all those people that have given Dezree shit, regardless of whether or not it was straight to her face or not - I doubt that you could make it 10 feet in her shoes. She has dealt with more pain than ANY of us can imagine and I have always looked up to her with the highest respect for her and you should too. 

"She a badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and bluntly honest. She's the type of woman you go to war beside, not against."

@Dezree, I don't I will ever be able to forget the amount of love that you have shown towards me. I will always have respect for what you have done here and hope that we will be able to play again soon. I hope that you can achieve your goals and live life to the fullest.

I will miss you. 


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Tbh I have not formally met you, but you did my RnR interview and you seemed very kind. I hope you still stick around and play in the community and maybe we could play. Thanks for all the bans on the scum on Olympus and all hard work to get the server (and RNR) to where it is now so that I as a player can enjoy the experience when I log on everyday! 


Thank you for everything you've done for me and this community. I wish they realized how much you've done and how much of an asset they pushed away. 


A message to all the retards that get a boner off of hurting people's feelings:


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  • Hmm 1

Hate to see you go Dez. You've made a very positive impact on this community and on the staff during your time here. You will missed, dearly. And I mean that.


I hate that this is the only course available for you to get away from the pain, but know that you have left this community a little brighter.


Much love.

I find it sad that it has come to this. I didn't really talk to you much, but we had some fun with the R&R air shows.

Thank you for everything that you've done for both R&R and Olympus as a whole.

It's sad to see you leave nonetheless, you will be missed.


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I will miss you Dez, don't let people get you down, I don't know what else to say, I'm really sad and sickened. Keep up the streams, Ide hate to see you go.

Sad to see you go @Dezree. You were the first staff member I ever met on Olympus, and you have always had my respect. You have done an absolutely tremendous job helping keep this server running and clean. Not only that but you are a great person, who has always been nice to everyone that I have ever seen you speak to. Good-luck with whatever endeavors you decide to embark on, and just remember, if you ever need us, some of us are here for you.


o7 Dez. It has been real.



Don't blow up any more toilets, they never did anything to you.

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Sad to see you go Dez, I never really got to talk to you much but you were a very important person in this community.  It's a shame that people who are insecure about themselves can cause so much damage to people who are just being nice to everyone. You will be missed. :(


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  • Admin

@Dezree you are great. Don't let shit-tard, penis eating-diarreah drinking-vomit licking ignorant fucktards get to you. 

You are an amazing woman and a good friend we had some good times together. But if the community can't appreciate what you do then this is the best you can do for your mental health. 

I hope you eventually forget the reasons you left Olympus and just replace those thoughts with the reasons you stayed for so long. 

Take care Dez. 

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  • Lord of Tickets

It's incredibly disturbing that the things that were done and said to you were labeled as 'funny', 'entertaining', and 'OK'. You were one of the first staff members I ever knew and Ive always admired your work despite the animosity that was directed at you. None that you deserved, might I add. Ido hope taking this route can help you heal and i hope you do know that I and everyone else who ha spoken up for you will always be here for you no matter what and I do hope that you one day return a happier person. Hopefully by then some of these children that haven't been taught what respect is will learn it, forcefully. 

You are absolutely amazing Dez. Dont let anyone ever make you believe differently. 


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I'm not usually a guy who shows a lot of emotion to these kind of posts but man, this makes me really sad. I only got to play games with you that much, but when I have, I have had a lot of fun. To all the people that feel like they need to rip someone apart in order to make yourself big... take a look in the mirror. Despite all the harassment that has been directed towards you, you never stooped down to there level, I don't think I am even as big of a person to that.

I wish you luck in the future and know that you can get through this. I have been verbally harassed before in the past (not as bad as your case) and I know how it feels.... I know you can get through this!

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