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How did you choose your gamer tag thread

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I joined an Arma 2 DayZ mod (Alpha Server US 19--) server when I first got my Dell PC when I was 13/14, and if you didn't know your default arma name is the first 5 characters of your PC's name. My Pc's name was Main so ever since then I have stuck with it :D 

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my original name was Alohadankbar on steam bc of a gay streamer saying Allah Akbar wrong. Then i found the filthy frank ravioli ravioli whats in the POCKETOLi video and i put that was my name and never changed it.

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I used to be really into breaking bad. The corrupt lawyer in that show was named 'Saul Goodman'. Before I joined any factions on Olympus I would RP as a Lawyer to help people free of their crimes.

Shoutout to @AbuNasir @heyday my co-attorney B)

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2 minutes ago, Goodman said:

I used to be really into breaking bad. The corrupt lawyer in that show was named 'Saul Goodman'. Before I joined any factions on Olympus I would RP as a Lawyer to help people free of their crimes.

Shoutout to @RandySavage @heyday my co-attorney B)

Don't forget J. Pinker @Twix

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I played a bunch of tf2 with a friend that made horrible puns, and he once said to me "They should call you Pledge because your are mopping the floors with that sniper". I am too lazy to change it now

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My dad got me into gaming when I was six. His gamertag was Maj. Maverick because he was really into Top Gun and he as a major on his milsim server. 

I overall just really enjoyed the name Rex, so me being the smart ass that I am I made sure that I had a higher rank than my dad, so I went with Commander to get Cmdr. Rex. 

Overtime I really never liked the way it was abbreviated so I changed it to Cmdr_Rex then TheCmdrRex finally several years ago. Haven't changed it since.

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My brothers called me Dean as a nickname for about 6 years and then when I finally started playing games, I went with Dean to start. After a while, I thought it was kind of generic, so I changed. One of my friends helped me out a little cause he called me a dingus for a while before I changed my name. i didn't like the 'i' in dingus much, so I changed it to an a, to get Dangusdean. Stuck with that for about 4 years now and never changed it.

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