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How many genders are there?


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At the end of the day everyone is either biologically male or female (sex) I honestly don’t give a fuck and will support someone who feels they were born as the wrong gender. However I think the idea of unlimited geners is an endless rabbithole that leads to knowhere. Gender has recently become a misnomer for peoples sexualities and differences. Personally I believe there are two genders, but that being said, I really don’t mind the concept of multiple genders and i’m not going to get out my torch and riot over it. At the end of the day it’s just people identifying themselves, it really isn’t that big of a deal. It’s not like the government will start recognizing these anytime soon.

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There are 2 genders


For thousands of years there have been 2 genders... just because a group believes they identify as non-binary or as a toaster doesn't mean i have to buy into it. Fact is, gender (along with sex) is identified by whether you have an x or y chromosome. Nothing more, nothing less..

Plenty of insane people think they can fly... does that mean we should allow them to jump off a building and spread their arms? NO.. so why should I allow a group who THINK they identify as something they biologically aren't change my definition of what the word gender actually means. Not saying they are insane... just an analogy.

Your professor is part of the problem, gender has a definition.. stop trying to change that.. if you want to have unlimited of something you feel you are.. make a new word and assign a definition to it.. stop trying to make the world buy into this you need to call me this or I'm offended BS which has plagued specifically the US as of late...

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There are only 2 genders.  Everyone who “identifies” as something else has a mental illness.  Mental illness has endless possibilities.


15 minutes ago, MAV said:

There are 2 genders

please explain everything you have just said to the GIRL in my AP US history class that wears bunny ears and yells at me and others when she isn’t called with HER “correct” pronoun, Ze.

I would really appreciate it because every time I refer to her with the word “her” or “she”, she threatens taking me to the libtard principal for not calling her by “they” or “them”.

Edited by indian
  • Kappa 1
7 minutes ago, SPBojo said:


IDK if this is a hot topic in the other side of the pond... But in the US we making things up to put under the other option

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Gender is a social construct of what each sex is excpected to "be" established through thousands of years of tradition and social customs and it is my belief as a Marxist Leninist who inherently is also a feminist that we must stray away from these traditions and gender norms. So I would say there is 2 genders currently accepted in western society and that there are those who feel they don't consider either to match who they are bringing us to have talks like this.

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36 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

Gender is a social construct of what each sex is excpected to "be" established through thousands of years of tradition and social customs and it is my belief as a Marxist Leninist who inherently is also a feminist that we must stray away from these traditions and gender norms. So I would say there is 2 genders currently accepted in western society and that there are those who feel they don't consider either to match who they are bringing us to have talks like this.

Personally I don't care what pronoun or identity you are, I think there is a difference between gender on a social scale and your biological sex.


Do what you will with your life but don't get angry at me if I don't go out of my way to validate your identity, I think this mostly stems from the social construct of "gender" because now that people are experimenting and mixing things from both "genders" we lack the language to address it so it all falls under the old terms.

Having worked with a transgender.. i knew him for 4 years as a male, one random day he comes into work as a female.. long story short when he looked into the mirror he never saw a man/male from what he said.. that being said it is a mental illness. End of story. 

Being in so cal. It is fucking scary how many transgender look attractive.. sucks that every girl i date i need to be carefull and observing..


  • Haha 1
36 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

Gender is a social construct of what each sex is excpected to "be" established through thousands of years of tradition and social customs and it is my belief as a Marxist Leninist who inherently is also a feminist that we must stray away from these traditions and gender norms. So I would say there is 2 genders currently accepted in western society and that there are those who feel they don't consider either to match who they are bringing us to have talks like this.

ok Tinker Bell enjoy Neverland

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, swervy said:

ok Tinker Bell enjoy Neverland

Hmu when you have a real response to the arguement and arent just spewing toxicity towards other people and groups.

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26 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

Hmu when you have a real response to the arguement and arent just spewing toxicity towards other people and groups.

People are born with XX (Female) or XY (Male) chromosomes. That determines their gender. No matter what some weaboo degenerate dude wearing a dress says, he's a male. People who call themselves another gender usually just want attention. 

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34 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

Hmu when you have a real response to the arguement and arent just spewing toxicity towards other people and groups.

dude stop spreading your toxicity. or else

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Only 2. If you don't believe  it you probably think your an attack helicopter. Which makes you dumb not another gender. 

18 minutes ago, swervy said:

People are born with XX (Female) or XY (Male) chromosomes. That determines their gender. No matter what some weaboo degenerate dude wearing a dress says, he's a male. People who call themselves another gender usually just want attention. 


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