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PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.

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@MAV I think you misunderstood (or I misunderstood your response?). What I'm asking is this:

  • Question #1: Since there is a DEFINITE rollback coming soon, may we blow (spend) all of our money and items on whatever/doing whatever?
  • Scenario #1: I blow 17 million dollars on gear and random shit. Rollback comes, I get whatever amount of money I had on that date, then submit comp tickets and get my legitimately earned 17mil back.
  • Scenario #2: I blow 17 million dollars on gear and random shit. Rollback comes, I get whatever amount of money I had on that date, then submit comp tickets and get denied because I blew it all before rollback happened.

What scenario would I/we get?

4 minutes ago, Fearless ;) said:

Yes this is one of the worst ways to fix it. 

if you have a better way, we are all ears.. 

2 minutes ago, Bear828 said:

@MAV I think you misunderstood (or I misunderstood your response?). What I'm asking is this:

  • Question #1: Since there is a DEFINITE rollback coming soon, may we blow (spend) all of our money and items on whatever/doing whatever?
  • Scenario #1: I blow 17 million dollars on gear and random shit. Rollback comes, I get whatever amount of money I had on that date, then submit comp tickets and get my legitimately earned 17mil back.
  • Scenario #2: I blow 17 million dollars on gear and random shit. Rollback comes, I get whatever amount of money I had on that date, then submit comp tickets and get denied because I blew it all before rollback happened.

What scenario would I/we get?

Your money will be reset to whatever it was on 4/26, if you made more money since then, put in comp. (money you spend right now wont matter.)

14 minutes ago, MAV said:

as far as im aware, the state of Olympus will be returned to 4.26.2019 00:00 including all stats, bounty, kills, deaths, money, inventory, etc. all the way up to where you logged out on 4.26.2019 at 00:00:00

When is this going to actually happen the, sos if someones already put it cant see.

Just now, Tim Jacob said:


Its relevant because it comes to show that the Staff are doing what they can do. They have Jobs, go to school, have families to take care of, etc. They are handling it the best they can. They are taking time away from all of these things to try and fix the servers. YOu argue that they aren't fast enough which is your opinion, but they don't have staff on 24/7 they have lives outside of Arma. Their leadership is shown pretty clearly, they weren't able to act as quick as one may want because they have other things to do, as well as people in the community fucking over everyone else. You clearly said. Mav is more than aware it is not just the communities fault, but the reason he was blaming it on the community is because if people didn't try and launder the money they wouldn't have to rollback. 

About a month ago a very similar situation happened, people were given seargent whitelist, money, warpoints, etc. They rolled back the server within 24 hours and everything was fine. The fact that people were trying to hide the money they received, is the main reason that the server is being rolled back, because they would have to go through endless loops of logs to find billions upon billions of dollars. 

Finally, didn't ask permission to reply to your post you braindead retard. I simply said I can be toxic so I responded with toxicity, never once asked permission. You can go reread it princess. Your ego is fucking massive and its a fat fucking yikes. You would expect grown adults to not have as big of an ego as this but I guess there are always the special ones. 

Also the fact that your implying that I'm fat is pathetic. I'm most likely in more shape than you, and its a real low swing at someone to try and make fun of them for being fat. I could understand if its someone that you know, but I'm not. I would rather spend my money on something better than you. 

Go make some more retarded noises again and get off MAV'S POST.



Dear God all i see is people whining that it is the admins fault and this is dumb and bla bla bla. Really people listen to yourselves this could of been fixed easily enough if people weren't little snakes trying to hide money. My personally opinion is that people need to sit down, chill, and take a breather because i don't know about you guys but coming from a tech standpoint think about it how many admins do they have. shit takes time if people are trying to compare it to major companies you must be retarded then. The admins are doing what they can with the shit show that is the server now. If u want to still bitch and complain that this sucks don't blame the admins, blame the snakes who thought they could be smart and hide money. If for some god damn reason you still wanna complain leave the server no ones stopping you. Probably be better off without toxic people but that is just my thought on this situation. 

4 minutes ago, [TACS] Marko said:

First off this was supposed to be prevented by Admins, and should have been rolled back right after this hacker gave us all that money. its unfair to people who payed fairly and came after the money giving was done. They should not be put through this whole mess, specially every single person that made money legit after the hacker came there. one thing i agree in there should be a global comp and the Tickets, since this whole thing affected the server. And its useless to do runs atm.

Guess what, admins cant roll the servers back and we can't have the one or two people that can roll the servers back on standby 24/7, yeah this sucks, but for the most part, everyone that put in legitimate work (not betting) can most likely be compensated. Staff is the ones most affected by this because we are going to be searching through thousands of lines of logs to answer compensation requests.

4 minutes ago, [TACS] Marko said:

Thats not His Problem i find that very unfair for the guy and im pretty sure you can check the logs mate and do a bit of effort on checking his bets and wins.

I don't think you are aware of the work it takes to search for hacked money through the logs, no staff member (maybe excluding @destruct ;)) wants to, or more importantly has the time to track down whether the money in a bet was legitimate or not, and we can certainly believe that most people would not be making outrageous bets if they are aware of a rollback or have near infinite money. You also don't realize that we would have to remove the money from the losers' accounts which in many cases won't be possible. We have to draw the line at some point to make operations as quick and efficient as possible. Consider that no staff member is willing to set aside an entire week of their time to dig through logs. 


Disclaimer: Staff is not blaming this on the community, we simply wanted to explain that the best case scenario is not feasible anymore because of people laundering and abusing hacked cash. Staff is also not going to take responsibility for what has happened because, believe it or not, many of the problems we have to fix are due to bohemia dev issues. We can only react in these types of situations in the most efficient way possible, that includes factoring in that, recently, our senior development has not exactly had the ability to drop prior IRL commitments (i.e. vacations or classes) to invest hours into fixing the holes in the development of the base game.

4 minutes ago, MAV said:

if you have a better way, we are all ears.. 

Your money will be reset to whatever it was on 4/26, if you made more money since then, put in comp. (money you spend right now wont matter.)

hear that boys? @Claysive @RDyer216 @Lex yo @Charels

Looks like we're pushing cap everyday from now (fuck runs) on with full gear sets in Armed AT's and MK200's w/ silences. Also titans... lots of titans... :bender-dance:

2 minutes ago, Doctor White said:

Dear God all i see is people whining that it is the admins fault and this is dumb and bla bla bla. Really people listen to yourselves this could of been fixed easily enough if people weren't little snakes trying to hide money. My personally opinion is that people need to sit down, chill, and take a breather because i don't know about you guys but coming from a tech standpoint think about it how many admins do they have. shit takes time if people are trying to compare it to major companies you must be retarded then. The admins are doing what they can with the shit show that is the server now. If u want to still bitch and complain that this sucks don't blame the admins, blame the snakes who thought they could be smart and hide money. If for some god damn reason you still wanna complain leave the server no ones stopping you. Probably be better off without toxic people but that is just my thought on this situation. 

Can't really blame the "snakes" either. If you give someone a shit ton of money you should expect that they're going to try to hide it. Why is everyone trying to blame each other here? Lol... It's dead ass the scripters fault and only their fault. No one else.

From my point of view this seems like the best scenario the staff could come up with to fix the issue and I don't really see it as a bad one. They're offering comp to people as well after the rollback, so I don't really mind this. I mean I kinda think they did a good job right here by letting us know their plans to fix it, what to do, and so on. The only part I dislike about this is that Ares isn't showing himself about it when he's the server owner. I personally feel like he should've made this post, but for some reason he didn't...

  • Like 1

At least something good came out of me being grounded i have the same money for the whole time:)

10 minutes ago, Bear828 said:

hear that boys? @Claysive @RDyer216 @Lex yo @Charels

Looks like we're pushing cap everyday from now (fuck runs) on with full gear sets in Armed AT's and MK200's w/ silences. Also titans... lots of titans... :bender-dance:

What’s MK200? I’m a pacifist.   

1 minute ago, Still here and retarted said:

At least something good came out of me being grounded i have the same money for the whole time:)

Grounded? What are u 12?

  • Like 1

I understand that everybody is freaking out about the rollback. But you received free money illegally and some off you did spend it. Instead of calling the staff unprofessional etc.. Think about what was the cause of this rollback. Instead off spending it, report it. See it as a hacker RDMd you and doesn't want to comp you. 

I believe that the staff struggles with the decision for a rollback and disappointing legit players. 

But to take such a decision makes them professional in their approach to this mather. And also a thumbs up for the dev team who are writing a script to prevent these problems in the future. 

Fuck it lets shut down the arma servers and start fresh by opening a minecraft and roblox olympus server

  • Like 1
Just now, PL~Stephen Autism said:

lets do something because there is no point in playing right now

Yes sir, now that you said that I will get right on fixing our anticheat, developer eggman inbound

if server==hacked;

then fix;

  • Owner
16 minutes ago, PurgEe said:

Fuck it lets shut down the arma servers and start fresh by opening a minecraft and roblox olympus server


  • Haha 1
12 minutes ago, Eggman said:

Yes sir, now that you said that I will get right on fixing our anticheat, developer eggman inbound

if server==hacked;

then fix;

If (Eggman.skinColor == skinColor::black) {

    // Code here to do something if Eggman is black


  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Google said:

If (Eggman.skinColor == skinColor::black) {

    // Code here to do something if Eggman is black


@Ryan hes onto us

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