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The Armchair Politics Thread

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There is so much gold being lost in status updates I feel like we need a dedicated thread for the shit show that is:

The Presidential Election 2020

If I had a vote I would have voted for Trump.  He may be possibly the most hated president in US history (until Biden is sworn in) but he is top quality entertainment ❤️

Real talk though the first presidential debate I every saw was Trump vs Deleted Email lady.  Has there ever been an election where at least one of the candidates was liked and people weren't just voting for whichever end of the stick had less shit on it?

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2016 election was crazy. I remember Trump being such a funny and entertaining candidate compared to the others, the way he would speak and talk during debates was so outlandish it was hard not to be interested in what he had to say. If you look back at some of those debates its such good content.


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1 hour ago, ooooooooo said:

why were they recording him? Was this like an ongoing issue? 

CBC runs an investigative series called “Marketplace” that started in 1972 that essentially tries to unveil some shady practices that sometimes occur. I don’t know what episode this one is from, but if I’m remembering correctly they were investigating how some service men over price the work or charge for repairs that aren’t required. This person turned out to be a candidate in the Conservative party. 


Hope that provides some more context.

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6 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Haven't had a civil Presidential Debate since Obama and McCain.

The most respectable ‘loser’ in our lifetimes. He defended his opponent multiple times. 

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10 minutes ago, Dante said:

The most respectable ‘loser’ in our lifetimes. He defended his opponent multiple times. 

John McCain was one of the last true politicians. He fought for Americans, not Democrats or Republicans.

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2 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

If Bidens campaign had crumpled early on how would the election have went?  I imagine Trump would have won easily but is there no 3rd option?

Trump would win. There are 2 main parties. Democrats and Republicans. Biden was the pick for the democrats, Trump was for the republicans.

There are other choices, who are all independents who usually no one knows who they are and they hardly get any votes, they aren't funded well, etc.

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12 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

John McCain was one of the last true politicians. He fought for Americans, not Democrats or Republicans.

Just watching his concession speech was so alien. Man told his own supporters booing Obama to chill. Hopefully he’s kicking it in heaven w the OGs.


sidenote: if you really look into what the founding fathers had to say about each other things may be bad and different then what we’re used to but it’s not unheard of 

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