peaking in life on league 92 Posted July 7, 2023 Report Share Posted July 7, 2023 1 minute ago, Ben Shapiro said: thanks for the summary i was not reading all that REST IN PEACE COMANNDER BEN 1 1 1 1 1 Quote Link to comment
Space Ranger 160 Posted July 7, 2023 Report Share Posted July 7, 2023 10 minutes ago, nicole said: Those are public channels I am in, meaning anyone can join I don't understand what you're trying to say. It can be daunting for a jr APD to join a channel full of people they know are friends. Yes you may be in public channels but you don't make an effort to play with other people than your main friend group. 1 5 Quote Link to comment
Developer II Milo 1102 Posted July 7, 2023 Developer II Report Share Posted July 7, 2023 I wanted to add a heart reaction to your main post but I didn't want it to look like I was endorsing the criticism of certain people that I may not agree with. I did however really want to add a heart to the post though so I figured I would along with a quick exerpt elaboarating first: Although I haven't spoken enough words with the rest yet to be able to have a strong opinion one way or another, I would just like to say that the opinion about @ nicole in the post does not match my personal views. Since newly joining as a developer contributor, Nicole has not only been extremely welcoming but has also been really helpful in helping me out when I've ran into snags or questions on how to do things. Although not mentioned in the post I would like to give a shoutout to the rest of development for being really awesome in taking the time to show me the ropes. But in short, Nicole you're awesome. On to my message, I really appreciate your message. When I saw that my @ was dropped in this post I was worried that the disagreements we had may have left things sour, but I am so happy to see that it is the opposite. I really enjoyed playing medic with you and had a whole lot of fun messing around doing dumb stuff on our way to revives at ungodly late hours haha. It's been fun playing with you and I am happy that we are departing as friends. O7 and good luck on your future endeavors 1 2 Quote Link to comment
Wilhelm 2 Posted July 7, 2023 Report Share Posted July 7, 2023 @ PolarBear damn i literally just got 50 hours like 10 mins ago, wanted you to do my flight test since rumors are your the one people fear getting flight tests from. good luck in ya life tho 1 Quote Link to comment
PolarBear 304 Posted July 7, 2023 Author Report Share Posted July 7, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, Wilhelm said: @ PolarBear damn i literally just got 50 hours like 10 mins ago, wanted you to do my flight test since rumors are your the one people fear getting flight tests from. good luck in ya life tho I mean, you can earn your wings and I'll ride shotgun for you next time I'm back and we'll see how you do! Edited July 7, 2023 by PolarBear 1 Quote Link to comment
Rafa 2835 Posted July 7, 2023 Report Share Posted July 7, 2023 Smoke a bowl in honor of us good sir. O7 1 Quote Link to comment
Abundant 158 Posted July 8, 2023 Report Share Posted July 8, 2023 Chillest medic around. Going to miss kidnapping you. Enjoy life without arma, it is sweet @ PolarBear 1 Quote Link to comment
Toxiccc 13 Posted July 8, 2023 Report Share Posted July 8, 2023 o7 @ PolarBear you were always a chill medic in my opinion. 1 Quote Link to comment
PolarBear 304 Posted July 8, 2023 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2023 45 minutes ago, AbundantStream said: Chillest medic around. Going to miss kidnapping you. Enjoy life without arma, it is sweet @ PolarBear Not gonna lie, I'll miss the roleplay opportunities from a good, proper kidnapping. hahahaha Admit it, the weirdness chaos always struck when I was cuffed up. lol 3 hours ago, Rafa said: Smoke a bowl in honor of us good sir. O7 I absolutely will, my friend. I hope I get to catch one of those famous Rafa tangents again sometime. 20 hours ago, milorules1012 said: Since newly joining as a developer contributor, Nicole has not only been extremely welcoming but has also been really helpful in helping me out when I've ran into snags or questions on how to do things. O7 and good luck on your future endeavors It honestly makes me happy to hear of anyone having positive experiences with anyone I've mentioned in my post. I can only speak to my own and there are more than a few that have the same kind of interactions. If that isn't the case, that's really great news. Maybe not all hope is lost, but its not something that plagues my mind any longer. Bring the joy you have for this place and blind people with it, milo. You'll develop your own opinions of people and institutions and I hope you stick with it long enough to make an impact on this godforsaken place. 1 1 Quote Link to comment
XOID 83 Posted July 8, 2023 Report Share Posted July 8, 2023 On 7/6/2023 at 4:52 PM, PolarBear said: @ XOID You crazy New Zealander (Or is it Australia? Hell I cant remember) I'll miss chatting with you at odd-ass hours of the night. That's crazy Quote Link to comment
TapTap 778 Posted July 8, 2023 Report Share Posted July 8, 2023 I will miss you my friend, take it easy. o7 and good luck Quote Link to comment
Rapture 3 Posted July 8, 2023 Report Share Posted July 8, 2023 On 7/6/2023 at 1:52 AM, PolarBear said: It's been a long haul, but *somebody* has to show certain @Senior APD Member how to retire and let someone else add their love to the game. Everyone that's met me here, it's always been when I'm a medic and saving your ass when I could, I'd always do what I could to talk my way into reviving as many as I could, for the lols of it. I've enjoyed this game as a medic for the past 2 years and have made a lot of observations about the certain groups of people who play Olympus. Something unique to Arma roleplay servers (which there aren't many of those left anymore) is that each and every one of us get to determine what our "victory" conditions are, how you "win* playing this game on Olympus. It all depends on how you play and the dynamics of Arma that interest you most. Most of us know the big three, the civs, the APD and the R&R. Depending on what brings you joy; making money, combat, roleplay, that would greatly influence what faction you spent most time with. God knows I've *infuriated* a fair number of people on this server with my roleplay and to those people, I say "Good." However the people I infuriated the most would be the fourth group that none of us really pay attention to, which are the trolls. Those that in order to reach their victory conditions, they derive their joy out of denying other peoples joy of playing the game. You know the type. Those who get their jollies off of by robbing and chopping peach farmers vehicles, those that 3-1 a cop *every* single time, those that love pushing the rules to their absolute breaking point just to be a fuck. Some of you are much better at being a troll than others and some of you are just *garbage* lol There's also a problem when those people sit in higher ranks and let entire factions stagnate. When I first starting in R&R, I'll be honest, I had a markedly anti-APD stance due to a lot of ridiculously aggressive encounters early on. I never understood why the Senior APD members had such a negative view of R&R until one night I somehow got pulled into an APD channel off-duty and managed to ask and just listen to several complaints about interactions with R&R and how much vitriol there was, but the origins of which run so much farther past than *any* of the Senior R&R that are active now. how long would R&R pay for the sins of its fathers? What I would have to say, especially to @ Mako is that your history with this server seems to weigh on you like an albatross. I understand the amount of time and work you've put into this server, but you've also done incalculable and irreparable damage to morale of both the APD *and* the R&R, (And the civ population for other shit) by not knowing when it's time to let go and step aside. You seem aggrieved that no one appreciates the work you've done in the past when they aren't paying fealty to you now. The exact same thing can be said about @ nicole and @ Winters about knowing when it's time to hang 'em up. The three of you have become trolls in senior positions and that's a problem. You're pushing out those that don't agree with the way you do things and rather than hear criticism, let's just institute a 10 hour minimum to push out who we dont like. I've never been more disgusted with the APD until this year's April Fool's when it was officially "Bully the faction that doesn't carry guns" day, also revoke your own handbook and declare hunting day on the medics and seize countless vehicles just to be contrarian, I don't know. I haven't even seen Winters on EVER until that day, when you hopped on just to hunt us down. It's instances like that, in a long line of instances that has soured the relationship between our factions that won't subside until you three specifically go. Retire, then you can focus on being a retired troll and let others take APD into their hands and shape it into something better; instead of digging in your heels or taking charge of a second re-work that R&R didn't want and didn't need and throwing out all of Sploding's amazing work. I don't care if "it's your job," as a "Community Mangler" or being a dev, you should've stood aside and let someone else with less hatred aimed at R&R do it. We all *LOVED* the way R&R looked before you just HAD to fuck us over again for your "file size" but can you blame us for wondering it's just because you can't stand us for reasons that aren't *anyones* fault that's currently in R&R. People have been saying this server is dying since 2018 but now, there's only one server left and I doubt whether Arma 4 will release before Olympus goes under. A large part of that failure is the stress because you three specifically hate not just R&R, but anyone with a different way of thinking or doing things. You hold all the power in your faction and you have no interest in changing things for the better. Your radioactivity that saps players will to play on this server builds up over time. The entire point the three of you miss is that APD and R&R is *supposed* to provide the bulk of the roleplay and services interactions for the civ population and to provide opportunities for them to live in a richer, fuller world. If the civ population tanks, there's no point to APD and R&R. Sure, you can scream and cry about how it's a "light roleplay" server, but when you behave in a manner than makes people hate playing here, they leave. There's not but so many more times they can put Arma on sale and we fill this last remaining server enough for @ Ryan to keep the lights on. Allllll that being said, so much could be done to create more engaging opportunities that will keep civs here and both of our factions working for the betterment of the server but you three have no interest in that. You've achieved your golden pedestals and you aren't leaving. I ask you this, when there's nobody left around your pedestal because of your bullshit, what's the point? How's the weather up there on your pedestal alone? Will you feel satisfied when there's no one left? What will you do when there's no one left to worship the "work" you've put into this place? That being said, I've got lots to look after in my own life and I will always remember my time here fondly for the most part. Some of you here will inevitably cheer my departure (And before you ask, @ Zombie Mall Cop yes, the divorce is going well, it's all part of my plan to go fuck your mom so she can have a child she's proud of) and for others, I will miss you. For any of you who listened to my attempts to revive everyone I could, I appreciate any of you that let me talk you into letting me make money. @ XnavrasX To my medic brother and favorite wingman, I will always appreciate all the times you were there for me as a medic and a friend. My favorite Sup from when I joined and one of the best videogame friends I've made. You're one of the very few in R&R I have no fear flying formation with, I appreciate you my dude. @ Marcus & @ Camper The three of us were Basics together and it's been an honor and a privilege working with the both of you. Marcus, you in particular have put your heart and sould into this faction and I know our inability to get new and interesting things added for us in R&R is beyond your control. You will remain my favorite CO of R&R and you keep fighting the good fight for all of us medics. @ SpecTGV You're an excellent coordinator and you absolutely deserve it. You have the time and dedication the faction truly deserves because I've seen what happens when R&R has inactive Coords and above and I've never had more faith in our Command staff than I have in you, Camper, Nav and Marcus. Keep at it. @ Coconut My brother in infant arms. I don't envy where you are, the sleepless nights, the constant hypervigilance, adjusting to some new's needs and putting aside your own. Keep at it my brother. Im coming to meet my nephew one of these days. Mark my words. @ Diamond & @ Grizzly & @ Justi1 I know we haven't seen eye to eye about a lot of stuff, but I always appreciate the professionalism and dedication you have for the faction. @ Blue Look after yourself and I hope your health does nothing but improve @ XOID You crazy New Zealander (Or is it Australia? Hell I cant remember) I'll miss chatting with you at odd-ass hours of the night. @ Moxi The Loli My dude. My favorite pararescue, even though you had real life stuff to tend to, it would've been great to burn a few down. Sometime soon, I'm sure. Keep at it and be the roleplayer I know you can be looool @ ladymedusa My second favorite Pararescue and the last one I voted in. Don't any bullshit from these knobs. You'll do just fine. @ Element_ Alright fine, my third favorite pararescue. I'll never forget the *shit hot* flying you did that allowed me to one-up and escape APD when they tried to unjustly down my Ghawk. @ Jerry Swindler My second brother in R&R, I've enjoyed every instance of chaos and ridiculousness we've gotten into as medics and enjoyed our status as the R&R Silver Squad with @ Lea To the Queen of Cupcakes. I would *always* leave space in my inventory, just so you could put-pocket a cupcake or two in my backpack. I always smiled when I opened my pack and there was a cupcake inexplicably there. @ milorules1012 Sorry I gave you the business during your flight test. I think you're going to make a great medic and any medic that makes relevant, hysterical R&R memes is good in my book. Keep at it. @R&R MedicTo all my fellow Vultures, circling the corpses, doing everything you can to feast on the 20k left behind in every dead body on the ground, keep fighting the good fight. I'll always love you, you scavengers of gamers with skill issues. @ ryguy1321 (Mike Hawk) I'm relieved to see you playing R&R under your own account, finally. Like everyone didn't already know what was going on. @ Clash & @ Brolaf I gotta thank the both of you for some shit-hot fun dogfights. I still want round 3. @ Headless I will always miss our late night chats and truly enjoyed them. Next time im here, we'll have to wax philosophical again @ Rafa There is nothing in this world I loved more than when you would pop into a channel and tell the most amazing stories I've ever heard. I will cherish every single one of them. @ The Sovereign The Queen of Chaos. The number of times I had to hear the angry grumblings of some poor dead civ that died at your hands or the *ANGER* involved in denying you, always was fun. So many times I'd revive someone you killed, to the sound of me laughing at them just to add insult to being dead. Glorious. @ codeYeTi I appreciate everything you've done and this is a much better place because of you. Thank you so much for everything. @ Mighty I've never been prouder to watch someone sow chaos in my name. @ Scribble What can I say, I'll miss you too, you big fucking lunk. Take care of yourself and keep trolling. @ TapTap Whenever I learned you were involved in an APD situation, I *knew* it was going to be a good time. From getting my own Ghawk stolen by you until APD started shooting us down, to the time you wanted me to ignore what mama told me about lying and saying "APD" was the best faction. I appreciate the laughs, my dude. @ Hawkgnewaccount I will miss picking at you. Please know it was in good fun and I'll miss even you. I hope you rise far beyond Olympus. And now to especially everyone in APD right now. Since I became a Senior Medic, I did everything in my power to help change and repair the connection between our factions. I've truly enjoyed the roleplay opportunities I've had with a lot of you and I've always tried to generous with my lollipops when you guys were around. It sounds so ridiculous to say now considering my thoughts about APD early on, it's been an honor and privilege and I've had the most fun interacting with all of you since becoming a Senior in R&R. Keep fighting the good fight. To anyone I've forgotten, My bad, Im entirely too old for Arma anymore and I can't be blamed for the shit memory Thanks everyone on Olympus and take care of yourselves. @ Lucien & @ Connor S I just wanted the both of you tagged in one last R&R thread before I go. I fully support this Quote Link to comment
PolarBear 304 Posted July 9, 2023 Author Report Share Posted July 9, 2023 (edited) Fuck Rapture. Why you gotta the whole damn thing though?? Loooooool Lol imma miss you too dawg. We gotta go fight thargoids sometime now I've got it working. Lol Edited July 9, 2023 by PolarBear Quote Link to comment
hawkg23 0 Posted July 12, 2023 Report Share Posted July 12, 2023 was watching cs50 when i saw this sad to see you go best of luck On 7/6/2023 at 6:47 AM, Lucien said: One last downvote FUCK MAKO makos is a bitch along with nicole and winters 1 1 Quote Link to comment
Dep Chief NYPD 159 Posted July 19, 2023 Report Share Posted July 19, 2023 Bye 1 Quote Link to comment
Dep Chief NYPD 159 Posted July 19, 2023 Report Share Posted July 19, 2023 On 7/6/2023 at 11:51 AM, Noble said: O7 the zombie @ was very appropriate Rent free in your head brother @ PolarBear guys being the fluffy 2.0 1 Quote Link to comment
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