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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. The only thing I can think of that would cause this, would be when the server restart happens is you mute everyone with the speaker button. The way to fix this is by going to Map>Players, then hit the speaker icon until it un-mutes everyone. If that dosnt work you are fked.
  2. Does anyone ride? Im looking into getting a brand new 2017 Kawasaki Vulcan S, for $4,997 in may. Just want to know what you guys think. This will be my first motorcycle ever.

    Here is the link if anyone is interested.  

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      @Moose Yeah Bro, You good I am a fat boi but I'm working away from that. Im down 45lbs and I plan to keep going. 

      @Jesse I also did a 2 day course for my endorsement. I legit was only going 12mph but I felt like I was going fast as fk. lmao

    4. Moose


      I'm just saying, I'm 5'11 190lbs and I started on a 500cc. Sometimes trying to accelerate up a hill or past ~60mph can be a bitch. I'd say 650 is a good starting size. Not trying to trash you bro

      And I actually started on an 02 Vulcan. They are good bikes

  3. Can you give me a 75% winning rate please?
  4. Only Real niggas can relate. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      im gonna go out of my way to vigi you whenever you're on 

    3. ikeem
    4. N7Zero


      @Bloodmoon whats the point? he is just gonna alt f4 on u :DPEducated:

  5. Got a ban for Combat log. 

    Will not Rest until every vigi is 6ft under. 

    Also If they can send our bones Why get a ban? Just saves them time and me talking shit IMO. Also I should be allowed to CBL on nigs that RDM. 

    Dont say its Fail RP, There is no RP Here! (How can you fail something that is not present?) 

    The last time I seen RP I was fucking invisible and talking about a troll and some magic potion. SMFH.

    Also The APD was out to get me... because of a status update I made about one uping Big smoke. 

    Mysteriously soon after that I didnt make my times for 3 weeks. Thats odd as fk bc I have niggas like @codeyeti that agree with me bc I played with him and Others every day. 

    Going to turn into a forum warrior for 3 days. 

    Also Vote Genghis Khan For Civ Rep! (The only real one out here.)

    We gonna change shit my homies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Homicide


      Yea ur fucked the rules state cant have a ban in the last 14 days

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Nah That is saying if I got a 15day ban in the last 4 months I cant do it.

    4. Homicide


      Ok i misunderstood that ma fault i reread it amd ur correct my friend

  6. Did It say Noot Noot!
  7. I know How to fix Gang life....

    Get Rid of support team.

    I just watched a guy join that support team channel in TS and like 5 ppl joined him instantly like Holy FK.

  8. New Prison uniforms ar FIRE :peterscream:

    1. -dante-


      Somebody hit me with a pic pls ;(

    2. RogueMK


      You're welcome :)

  9. 2mill in 2min Ez Love this coin flipping thing. :)

  10. Couldn't we say the same about your GF Harley
  11. If my 2 DMS's and 2 Mar-10s get fucked I am quitting the server. :FeelsBad:

  12. Legit reason why I got Premium. 


  13. Lmao I would deferentially bring that.
  14. Oh fk nvm i read ur shit wrong lamo
  15. You are actually right. Im double nutty IRL
  16. Fk @Egnazio Hes irrelevant still, But on a real note Would anyone be down to join the Coast Guard in 1-2 years with me. Really thinking about being a Damage Control Man. Here is a link to what I'm talking about. https://www.gocoastguard.com/active-duty-careers/enlisted-opportunities/view-job-descriptions/dc-0 If any of you have or are thinking about it, or just want to put your 2 cents in. Feel free to do so. 

  17. This dude is me thanks to legit me late 2017 lmao https://www.twitch.tv/bluebuddha74

  18. I was about to go to bed... Now I see this. I loved that dude, Me and him were 2 of a kind. We were always willing to bend the rules just to have fun. Me and him were tight, ain't no rats with us. Gonna miss the dude. That nigga Takes me back to the Frank Castle days way back in early 2016. I have a lot more to say about this dude. But I just cant stand the thought of the above statements being true. I pray that they are not. But if they are You will be Missed!
  19. I have a 3crater for sell on s2
  20. God damn These Trees are getting dumber every day. @Seth Mobster 1bded553edcb07c71cc34442f6857d01.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      goddamn genghis so aggressive

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      @McDili Can you please ban @Seth Mobster for slander. He has slandered my name above aloes calling me a scammer. looka269965449f0ca3a6667ec9145065025.png
      That was his response on my post about selling my houses. Slander is Illegal please take care of this bigot.

  21. There is a video about me bitching of how wrong this event is going. I have many Ideas on how to improve it. I was going to make a video describing how this could be better, but decided to just list my ideas. I feel it would get my points across much better. This is a RP server weather or not you want to agree on that or not IDGF. When I read the post I thought this was going to be some badass Admin moderated event Where all the rebels Join together united and fight off the cops. Just like The Mongolians united to fuck china. Why would you think that you ask? Well lets look at the scripture. " Recently our government has exposed a smuggling ring responsible for smuggling immigrants from a place called "Chi-Raq" into Kavala! These "Chiraqis" upon learning the smuggling ring has been compromised have taken up arms and started terrorizing the city!" That is a quote from a post. So that is why I thought that. Lets look at another verse "The Altis Police Department will be engaging in an Anti-Terror operation within Kavala and lethal force will be fully authorized throughout the entire day to curb the rampant murder" Okay thats cool right? NO! you got faggie cops camping people with rooks and Gun glitching them at that. Like thats just pathetic. Here are the rules for the event. Kavala will have a REDZONE over the majority of the city. Kavala will be a KOS zone for the entire day. There will be NO NLR in Kavala for the day. There will be NO WAVE RULE in Kavala for the day. APD will be authorized to use LETHAL FORCE including SDARs for the day in Kavala. Civilians and APD both will NOT be required to initiate in the Kavala redzone. Exception: The APD Ghosthawk will follow standard rules of engagement. This is all find in dandy, However There needs to be limitations of what the cops are capable of doing. Here is whats wrong with the Event. Cops They are camping bodies, and Gun store. They Shoot unarmed civilians that do not pose a threat. They are Over powered as fk. (Like a cop had level 5 vest and polite helmet. I had seen him got a rook and hid. He starts saying where did you go you bitch? I have 9mm. (something like that) So I pop out of the corner and stat gating him and he Just 1 tapped and kill my naked ass.) They act like they are so fucking Good I had bought a katiba and killed 2 cops from down the street. Then out of no where 3 fucking cops pull up on my Chi-Raq ass, and I got shot in the back, And this Nibba had the audacity to tea bag me like hes the shit. They spawn in immediately ready for battle. Civs Now to talk shit about Civs. These dumb mother fuckers ask for free guns because they can kill the cops with rooks. So an admin starts giving out guns. What do they do? Start killing other civs with them. Like people are supposed to be uniting to save our immigrant families and shit, not completely dooming all of us. Then you have shitters like X,V, and BB also camping gun store and shit. Then you have the egoistic fucks that just want to get war points so the dont even give a fuck about what this event is supposed to be. Admins/Mods Okay so you have one Mod that is supposed to be controlling this shit. But all he does is give out useless shit like a titan and 3 rockets, or 5 grenades, Or 3 speed bombs. Like it would be cool to see all that shit get used but its not gonna happen where the cops just kill unarmed people. How to fix this fuck fest for next time Make Legit rules to follow and not let people do what ever. This legit turned into all out chaos. I started passenger seating nibbas. Make the civs not be allowed to kill other civs during this. How do you do that you ask? MAKE IT A FUCKING RULE lmao. Like fr or make everyone that wants to take part in this join a group so you can actually have a Rp event. If people dont want to play like that ban them. Then you'll say well we cant tell people how to play. Bull shit. wtf is this? Make cops stay whiten RP, I am saying this referencing the APD Officers that went around in wet suits. I have a problem with this because, If it were to work like I think it should all the civs would be on a cease fire with one another an only kill cops. So the cops should remain in uniform so there is no confusion on weather or not to kill that dude in a wet suit running down the street... Cops should only be allowed to kill people that pose visible threat. (Have a gun, Inside an illegal vehicle) Cops & Civs should not be allowed to kill medics what so ever, as they are mutually beneficial to both parties. You should have locations around kavala that have storage crates spawned in. One should contain Mk18s Scopes and Mags. The other should have book bags and level 4 vest. With each set of crats there should be a market guy so we can buy redgull and epipens. We should also be allowed to receive dopamine at the market guy where these crates are located. There should be 4 locations with crates. The crates should be in various locations spread around the Kavala Red zone. One set can be by the turtle dealer, one set inside the office building next to the square inside the big room, one set near the hospital and the last one south of the gun store possibly inside the other office building. Cops should not be allowed to engage in any matter, nor camp these said locations. Civs should not be able to camp Hq nor kill any cop whiten its gates. (Use your brain's that does not mean its okay to camp the gate. This has got to be fun and equal for both roles in order for this to not be aids) All cops should Only have lethal's. The thought process behind this is nobody want to be taised and restrained during this. It will cause people to be stuck there and not get processed. All civs should have lethal's as well. The thought process behind this is you are Rping as a Chiraq that Just wants to kill cops to save his family. Why the fuck would you want cop gear? I can tell there was not much thought put in this, So I have stepped up and thought long about it. All of this Is not an attack on anyone's actions. As I have stated I started to passenger seat people. This Is just a suggestion, It is not met to make anyone feel belittled or hated. I just hope people read this and can come together and share their own opinion, thoughts, and suggestions. To allow the Admins to pull something great off next time. Thank You, Genghis Khan Ps. I didnt over read this so Hopefully my grammar isnt to bad. Also hopefully your brain is capable of reading past mistakes.
  22. <3 Find me a clip where yoda sounds like that lmao. Lmao I didnt know it was you until you started crying. I thought it was a SGT lmao. I was like how tf are they gonna let me do this lmao. Probably wont even go for the job tbh. But we'll see. Smfh.
  23. Just a thought, This is supposed to be A rebellion of civs vs cops. If civs want to take part in it they should not be allowed to kill other civs. It would be way less aids and hella more fair/fun. 

  24. RPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRP :peterscream:976ec855ab5e5b0d4f86381612dcc269.png
    Make RP Great again.

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