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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. Its not that they never "Went away" Its just a spur of the moment thing that admins do. In order to pull something like this off, It takes a lot of focus to coordinate everything. Let alone take care of the trolls. You cant be expecting them to do one every night because it takes a lot of time and the admins are busy doing admin things.
  2. Does Ks have a team speak?

  3. Swimming is Great. Ik I'm a fatass but hear me out. Swimming is indeed a full body workout. It is way better then running. Running is high impact on your joints and ligaments. I dont have accesses to a pool or I would swim everyday. But I do do the elliptical for 30min to an hr a day. That is not a heavy impact cardio like ruining so maybe try that.
  4. Bro, this made me sad af. Like I have never experienced loss. (not a pet or anything) My Grandparents died before I was borne, I am just really scared to loose my parents. I know it sounds selfish af, but I hope I die before my parents. Because I dont want to feel this feeling you described to me. I Play games to escape life I dont get to close to people, And I distance myself from my parents. The only nonfamily member I am really close to I no longer talk to him or hang out with him. He does Mushrooms, acid. I dont want to loose him Hes was my best friend but I dont want to be around that stuff. So I just come back to the false security of the gaming world. And it sucks.
  5. Found @Sociopathics YouTube 


    1. Sociopathic


      Damn... I've been exposed..... 

  6. Ill give u 1.25mill
  7. u blind nigga?
  8. http://store.steampowered.com/app/642090/Coming_Out_on_Top/ @lou25000 @Mako @H4WK @Proud @Savage @DeadPool If you are tagged in this, Its because I think you will appreciate this game. Not calling you gay at all.

    1. buckie


      ive made the mistake of reading the reviews. Dont read the reviews

    2. proud


      Idk if u bought this for me, but if u did, in sorry to say my pc has been broken for a week and idfk if it's fixed yet.

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Oh yeah I bet you cant wait to play this. 

  9. Rock of Ages II has a free weekend, Who want to try this shit w/me? http://store.steampowered.com/app/434460/Rock_of_Ages_2_Bigger__Boulder/

  10. Yeah dude these things are littttt. Hell yeah B I love u 2 homie That was a friend hosted server. I think its called Zeus or some shit. But there are some cartel practice ones. Just look up CQC
  11. Ill buy all the full outfits, Vest clothing and hats. Name a price. For the CMR ill pay 175k. Only because you have no mags. Ill but 2 Pilot coveralls, and the 4 five
  12. Would anyone be down to play this with me and some other ppl that are down? http://store.steampowered.com/app/544550

    1. DeadPool


      Buy me it and I will

    2. Dangus


      Fuck yes. That game looks lit.

  13. Good luck bud, Hope life treats you well.
  14. I have 1,356 moonshine i need to sell. witch is $14,841,420 so -10% is $13,357,278 Lmk when you can buy this. fuck
  15. Where do I turn in my application for Chief of Police?  @McDili 

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Would fully support this.

    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      Khan for Chief

    3. -dante-


      First invisible chief 

  16. 150k
  17. I would have had more clips from when I was "hacking" on S2 but my videos got corrupted. But enjoy
  18. How much for the Helmet, Special rig, and 5.56 150rd mag?
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