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Genghis Khan

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Status Updates posted by Genghis Khan

  1. So it says MSD apps are open and the hand book is up and says to apply here with a link. The link is the normal support page. The problem is there is no MSD section, only APD and everything else. Do we make it in APD but title it MSD? or is this just not out yet? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Okay thank you Drama for actually adding valuable info unlike those other cucks.  :wub:

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The app section will go live with the server.

    4. Genghis Khan
  2. Everyone thinks Malden is gonna die before its even out it seems. 


    That is Bogus, This is going to be the best shit to ever hit Unmodded Arma IMO.

  3. Oh shit bois, I went to PCPP and just bought the cheapest 16gb of ram compatible with my 2 year old PC. Get ready for some arma streams. 79fa4d3a1107cba9886271b7a5f637a6.png

  4. Happy Birthday @draMa :deIlluminati:

    1. drama


      If there’s no genghis stream tonight this birthday a bust. Appreciate it though! 

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Damn how u gonna do me like that lmao? Guess i have to stream

  5. They might total my bike


    1. Unjo


      At least your leg didn't get totaled 

    2. iPopsicle


      Better learn from that mistake dummy

    3. Genghis Khan
  6. Make sure you go rade her after watching this. She is so fucking funny.

  7. Put the streams Tab back up?

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Oh damn okay I didnt see that.

  8. Can someone please @ me when malden comes out. Im super busy and I dont want to miss it.

  9. They might not be very good on their own....

    But together they are unstoppable. @snipeZ @hawk 


  10. This is a cool addition, Not sure how long its been there but I just found it lol.


    1. Bloodmoon


      how do you get to that?

      nvm found it

    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Been there for a while 

  11. This first clip has me dead af lmao. 


  12. Imagine bragging about smoking weed. :hmm:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RAYRAY


      literally all that messaging just for one fucking retarded roast u fucking coon boy imagine that 

      nigger josh 

    3. Linka


      thats like bragging about having a drivers license 

  13. Nerdy is a fucking savage lmao  


  14. All eyes on me when I walk in,
    No question that this Man's a ten
    Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful
    Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful
    My walk, my talk, the way I dress
    It's not my fault so please don't trip
    Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful
    Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful

  15. Chaddy Daddy makes me maddy

    I want to kick his ass so baddy

    Mommy only buys me nugs

    So Chaddy can afford his drugs

    But scream and struggle as I might

    I cannot beat him in a fight

    So one day I take a jug

    I fill it with digested nugs

    I throw the poop jug at his head

    While mommy is asleep in bed

    Alas I find I did not know

    That Chaddy had just snorted blow

    He points a pistol at my head

    He says he'll fill me up with lead

    Lucky me the drugs kick in

    Chaddy's face is looking grim

    Chaddy falls down on the floor

    Now's my chance I wait no more

    I pick his gun up off the grass

    I bust a cap right in his ass

    And in his open wound I pour

    My jugs of shit and piss galore.

  16. Happy birthday @RogueMK 

    Can you leak any Malden news tho? 

    1. RogueMK


      thanks, tbh even if i was gunna leak, ive not been around enough to know any news regarding it lol.

  17. If you want a good laugh watch this shit for a minute. It had me dieing. 


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