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Everything posted by JebronLames

  1. actually scary af to know that people on this server actually have faces irl

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EatMeth
    3. T3x4sSl4y3r1776
    4. Snare


      scary to see what there faces look like u mean?

      Jkjk dont moderate me! Eek

      But forreal tho whose the neckbea... i mean good looking fellow with the hat?

  2. n o v i g i l a n t e s p l e a s e
  3. apd ifrits

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. silton


      @jdawg2250 no point of having armoured vehicle when the glass is paper

    3. JaredPK


      Feels pretty balanced right now. No need for apd ifrits at all.

  4. I was kidding, no hard feelings xD And I don't have a pet, I've tried to convince my parents to get a cat or dog but my mom doesn't agree with anything other than a fish
  5. idk if this counts but I'm a rat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      Ayee better days are coming we hope 

    3. JebronLames


      1 hour ago, Panera said:

      @JebronLames Who is DB

      no clue

    4. Ryan
  7. Why is the .45 acp so expensive?

    1. JAMIE
    2. Bow


      its a damn hand cannon

  8. I ' m l e s b i a n
  9. how much will pilot helmets cost?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DashTonic


      I sell you mine today for 40k

    3. bigPat


      probably somewhere around 10-15 thousand

    4. JebronLames


      I meant after they're added, and 10-15 thousand sounds pretty good

  10. tactical bacon with a side of water bottle. maybe redgull if I have enough money for it
  11. now this is a fight I'm willing to place a bet on
  13. love u m8
  14. its probably too fat because its a picture of u fatboi
  15. these lines fixed my pulldown.ahk thanks a lot!!!
  16. I mean I lost my ammo but all my guns went with it
  17. congrats to the most corrupt cop on Olympus getting corp @hadi mokdad

    1. HyperGoat
    2. Guest


      YES IM CORRUPTED! HAPPY! Jebrone  my man., @HyperGoat 3.0

  18. sounds like a cool idea, BUT: say team x is fighting team y, but someone from team x is in the same gang as most of the people from team y. how would you stop that "someone" from messaging team x's locations to his gang members who are in team y?
  19. my kd is 0.29 .. I'm just now realizing how bad I am. gonna go kill some fresh spawns in kavala now

  20. Cops can't log off if theres 7 (or less) of them, because you need at least 7 cops on the server for a BW. So say at 3 in the morning, a (big) gang decides to hop on and do a BW and get an armed huron, when only 7 deputies and PO's are on. There's no way they'll be able to stop the BW, and they also can't leave for another 45+ minutes unless more cops come online.
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