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Everything posted by Homicide

  1. I got 4 Mxs 2 spar 16s with 1 mag and Mar 10 with 6 mags LMK Prices
  2. Playing some xxxtentacion on stream as a tribute Great artist Gone Positivity should be all our messages 

    1. monster


      My twitch wont load on school internet :(

  3. Stream is off for now till i can figure this out But just want to Thanks @Jordan540 and @Nicoleee for making my stream fun for my daughter she said it was the most fun she had in a while thanks guys 

  4. Bout to spit some ill bars about Serenity Boyz DDOS Ban Wanve LOL And Google

  5. .63 DayZ Finnaly hit experimental Oh yea 

    1. ThatNerdyGuy
    2. Shiv1


      that shit is just stress test 2.0 bro. nothing new 

  6. Dont forget guys get that free Copy of For Honor u have till monday on U play its Dope  ass fuck 

    1. RogueMK


      deffo downloading that shit!

    2. Homicide


      Yea it's the full game to keep if u want I'll add u on Uplay and we can play together I'll find u in ts

    3. Chaos


      if either of you wanna get carried real quick lemme know, or just want to lose a 1v1 against me that also works.


  7. Yea beacuse ur new to the server and dont know better which is what he did to get civ rep
  8. Remove him and put me lol
  9.  hey how is everyones day so far 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPBojo
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Make it a collaboration with Boonie please ty ^_^

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      In a rule quoting kinda mood 

  10. Ya boy got Support Team Just wanna thank all the Senior Support Team For Giving me a chance to prove my worth to this community. Guys Shows alot that with a lil bit of change and taking ppls constructive criticism as what it is instead of taking it in offense like i used to i just took it all in and started to change my ways thanks @thor. and @hawk For The Test 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tb:)


      this mother fucker gets it, but my ass couldnt. K

    3. Homicide


      Well if u look at my post since being unpermed  im actually not toxic  just express my opinions and on top of that ppl notice change man i changed my shit and u get rewarded man thats how it is i put in the hardwork not to be nown as a toxic person it dosent go anywhere 

    4. Africa


      +rep homicide

  11. Well gang life is ok a few of us started new gangs to see if we revive it a bit I'm recruiting for Rinsing them kilos if ur interested apply in gang recruitment post of my gang pm me don't mind taking u in and showing u the ropes you'll make bank garranted and welcome to the Olympus family this community is amazing better than Asylum
  12. Hello my fellow Olympians I started a GoFundMe for car repairs ppl here that know me know my situation and things about my life All is appreciated and you guys just taking the time to look at its appreciated Thanks in Advance


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L1on


      Thats shitty man, my radiator blew 3 times before they thought to check my head gaskets then they changed all of them and it was 1800 in total for a 45k mile car. Ill donate when I get paid in a few days.

    3. Homicide


      Wow thats wassup i apprecite it bud 

    4. Your local plug

      Your local plug

      not the way to go about it

  13. The Great Tree if im not mistaken comes from Legend Of Zelda
  14. does anyone have pics of all the call outs for Cartels and federal events need it for my gangs discord please thanks 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Homicide


      Thanks everyone who sent me ur links appreciate the help 

    3. LiL J

      LiL J

      Thanks everyone 



      My guy one person sent you links. 

    4. Homicide


      Actually a few ppl also sent me links to my inbox u mong if u don't know do not talk

  15. Hey Today will be a special stream will have a goal top raise money for repairs on my car its the olny car i have to trasport my wife and kids around tune in dont have to donate lets have fun anyways 30 minutes 

  16. Daughters Birthday Stream Come Check It Out 


    1. dahwhat


      Missed it :/

      Happy b-day to the young one!

    2. monster


      man i missed it too, (assuming she played arma) did she titan any nibbas

    3. Homicide


      Naw we was playing fortnite that her game of choice But thanks Guys 

  17. SCribble For Moderator Or Riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Bars incoming

    1. iPopsicle


      Grandpa Bojangles spitting some?

    2. Homicide


      yea come check it out bring the crew

  19. Funny How Serenity Stream snipes u and deny it lol  fuking tards 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. KrispyK


      I don't think you bunk bed bandits understand the stress that comes from taking care of people, I take care of my grandpa in a wheelchair every other day and that shits already a load. He has 3 people

      I don't think you bunk bed bandits understand the stress that comes from taking care of people, I take care of my grandpa in a wheelchair every other day and that shits already a load. He has 3 people

    3. Homicide


      its 4 ppl but yea Krispy knows where im coming from thanks bro i appreciate the thoughts man 

    4. dahwhat


      2 hours ago, Proud said:

      Sooo with all that information spread, don't you think thats a big ass hint to sell your fucking computer?

      Like im not even 16 yet, about to be, but thats why im currently playing games, im still a fucking KID

      This is another convo that leads no where so i'm done talking with you, hopefully what you just said put a spark in that big head of urs.

      Hmu when/if you become a dad my dude, you got a lot to learn. 

  20. WTF happened has I slept another ban Athon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strikke


      The feeling when some dude doing a jail by himself with a 7.62 suppressor and a DMS agaisnt 3 staff and 3 other POs sparked the whole thing by saying he is coming back shortly to do a fed with more gear and had a suspicious amount of money :Kappa:

      This "poor" man got everyone caught.

    3. Homicide


      I think I know who u talking bout me and a few DB guys fought these guys at cartel that kept coming back with a 7.62 suppressor every single time and I was like they have to be dupin no way someone is gonna lose 3 supressors with a bunch if medics on

    4. newyearnewperson


      13 hours ago, Strikke said:

      got everyone cought.


  21. Actually i play both cop and civ and i dont stop a run when cops show up beacuse im not victim stop complaing how are cops suppose to resemble a police force if we have nlr u idiot in real life if u kill a cop they are goona send the force afrer u dummy sit down stop cryn yyou fuking bot just yesterday me alone shot down armed cop plain amd 3 ghosthawks so dont give me that check my stream video is there
  22. So Struggle said my stage name is Lil Foodstamps yea check the stream im dissing this broad again

  23. @Strugglebus Diss Check it out go to 32 minutes Hopefully Dosn't earn me a ban 



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      5 hours ago, Strugglebus said:

      Top knotch 

      Pretty sure there is a word for making fun of snack Mexicans... oh yeah it's FUNNY LOLMAO!

    3. Homicide



      Olny if i was mexican

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      God damn this escalated quickly :FeelsBad: 

  24. Come check out the stream fire bars incoming

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