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Status Updates posted by Homicide

  1. Thanks everyone who has supported me even though I did sodmething that's totally frowned upon Hopefully I'll be back soon 

  2. Hello Olympus I just want to express my deepest apology to the Staff and Community for what I have done it's something I did a year ago and it was dumb it was something I regret doing and haven't done anything else like dat ever since hopefully one day the staff and community can look in their heart to forgive me and allow me to come back to this wonderful community I have grown to love until then farewell and all take care 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. platinumfire


      NOOOOOOOOOO! man you cant be permed the ban wave was like 4 months ago and didnt find out till now? somethings fishy

    3. User_0000


      I didn't like u at first ,but u turned to be just another toxic rlly nice person 


    4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  3. Is there a tutorial yet on the new flight system for helicopters 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PoptartRex


      20 minutes ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

      @L3SL13, they are reverting it, or adding a toggle for it to be flipped on or off. I wouldn't use the word fix because it worked as they intended it to, but people don't like it, and they're changing it.

      Bohemia used "it will be fixed"


    3. L3SL13


      @TheCmdrRex yea an congrats on your promo dude

    4. Dangus


      @TheCmdrRex my bad I guess. I had heard that it was intended for all aerial vehicles. Guess not.

  4. Helicopters are dumb now


  5. When we getting the stats page back OMG!!!!! LOL JK but seriously when 

  6. Happy Birthday @De Fuk

    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      Aye hi bud and thanks :)

  7. I'm back after a week sorry guys had to pay the rest of my rent got kids to worry bout so I had to pawn in my pc to keep our roof over our head family first....

    1. HyperGoat


      stop gaming and help your family

    2. Homicide


      I do I work 

      I was away for a week on work

  8. Admins We should have a Flame Section LOL

    1. Joel


      I would flame the fuck outta kids lmao

    2. Jonn


      Almoast positive that we used to have one

  9. @Silton I am ur father!!!!!!!

  10. I wonder who will be banned today 

    1. TheRandomOne


      Someone should start a betting pool

    2. Homicide
    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I think I should reinstall Arma to see if I'm banned thinking-face.png

  11. To any who saw my post it was not ok of me to do that and i apologize to the community it was in the heat of the moment and its very frustrating 

  12. @Dante Fleury I already did but the community also needs to see this its Disgusting and ignorant im sorry for the post 

    1. -dante-


      I hear you man, but we have a way to handle these things and you publicizing it will only get yourself in trouble. Trust the process. 

    2. Homicide


      I will take down the post 

  13. I've had like 3 comp request in 1 been for like 2 weeks and the other 2 is been. A week 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool


      tHeY hAvE lIkE oVeR 200 pLUs rEQuEsT

    3. Homicide


      Damm deadpool that's a lot sorry admins 

    4. Tman15tmb


      200 is an exaggeration but we do recieve a crap ton each week and we don't always have time to complete them so they tend to pile up. Currently only Admins look at comp requests because it's dealing with money transfers.

  14. After 1 month and a week out of commission from my PC being broken I will be back on the server Friday

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