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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. @Designer can I get a MAGA ballcap please. Thanks.


  2. @an overweight giant retard killed it
  3. In 10 hours, Kavala will burn...burning-city.gif

    @xDRO @SecTranLive @destruct

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SecTranLive


      @Grego  it really is though, just had 6 fires around me and @Rexo the other day

    3. Creepy


      Let's face it.. @Rexo's life has been on fire for months.



      I kid I kid!

    4. Toasty
  4. In 24 hours Kavala will burn...

    @SecTranLive @xDRO @destruct

    1. Millennium


      yup. right after you go trick or treating

  5. Seriously y'all.. take a look at Opera. You can set a ram/cpu limiter, twitch/youtube video popout, built in ad-blocker and vpn. It's good.
  6. @Sandman why did you get couped? o7 brother!

  7. Imagine not @ing me.
  8. https://www.opera.com/gx#start
  9. @Revise I'm sorry it's come to this.

  10. e5db3a3ec2e2d31b3c5083538a7eefd6.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      you guys know that BEAR and USEC actually have benefits and penalties to them right?

    3. Creepy


      I pretty much only run AR platforms and like to understand what my dude is saying.. so USEC seems like the appropriate choice for me.

    4. Millennium


      NGL the russian is pretty funny when they just yell a word you have no clue of what it means, but I may be wrong. I played back in 2016, and I think they got rid of the differences.

  11. #HowToGetCoupedByTheAPD
  12. @Hylos expedite this man's request. He has comprehensive video evidence included.
  13. What if the future isn't now?

    1. Strae


      "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it the present."

      ~Master Oogway Kung Fu Panda (2008)

    2. Horizon


      but what if the future also isn't later?

  14. Where the Euro's at? I'm bored!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strikke


      Us EU folk are at work atm

    3. Horizon


      nightowl here from EST wassup where the girls at?

    4. proud


      @Jimmy00 log the troops on cunt

  15. Me trying to figure out who to ban for this
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