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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. I mean cop gear is basically civ gear at this point. Past 2 days I've had a group of 4 people (BW) and a group of 2 people (/\) text dispatch, "hey, officers here waiting to come on duty" and sure enough there they are, Full PO/Corporal gear. And I mean sure, looking past the risks Roleplaying with civs in cop gear sometimes is fun as fuck ( @McDili and I did it with BBC about a week ago ) But it's really not worth the risk, i mean if those civs your rping with decide to RDM the fuck out of someone, that's on you, and the APD looks shitty. I think an issue here (besides making people literally not want to play, which is the biggest issue) is the amount of cop gear these big gangs are getting into there hands. I mean its absolutely ridiculous. Sit in Kavala and fake a hostage call and just have your gang camping the HQ gate with tazers, free cop gear. 30 mins later oooo another set, repeating on and on. If theres no SR Apd on or corporals to lethal, these Po's and Deputies do not stand a chance against these big gangs camping HQ's. And that's my biggest issue.
  2. Some nice stuff here boys. Was really awkward explaining to someone why all there platinum got seized from there car because they had 10 lockpicks in there! Didnt know the texture bug fixer could be any more effective but if it is, good shit.
  3. I like to think of that as "Greatest Shitpost of 2017"
  4. brb boys gotta get me beanz
  5. happy bday to my boy @7om u a real one 

    1. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Still lagging to this day 


    1. Dangus


      We got to BW and all of the sudden, ghost hawk, hunter, strider. We all get caught, and it's like 5 seniors who had po tags in teamspeak. Like... fuck, that was fun though. Props to the ghost hawk gunner. He really lit up my ifrit. Let's not forget the boating that went down. I mean, if my mic worked, it would have been a lot more fun, but that was funny as fuck.

    2. Dangus


      That was goat. And I was the gunner in it before that fatty delete button got hit. That was a very funny time. Btw, shoutout to goat for reducing my ticket. All I heard in teamspeak was shit about robocopping and about no rp and shit. Goat had to deal with me typing all that shit I had to say. Which I enjoyed. It was one of the funnies/ best experiences I've had fighting cops. Wish I had a working mic, but whatever.

  6. cya around dude never stop sending those you know whats down range
  7. Might need a touch up.
  8. Thank the RNG Gods for getting me selected as an alternate juror for my panel. No longer have to appear everyday. FeelsGoodMan

  9. sleeper agent deployed

    1. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      //pd, u deserved it nig

  10. Would be pointless as it really wouldn't solve anything. Arma is just getting stale, noone would want to put in any time to restart and new players that just started a few weeks/days ago would be turned off instantly having to start all over again.
  11. Thanks for all the birthday wishes lads, couldn't reply to everyone as I was quite busy but I appreciate it a lot.

    1. Tom


      oh man happy late birthday cartel god!


    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton


      Nothing to see here just a dude working a cash register in the middle of the apocolypse

    2. -dante-


      Thats some high quality breathing

    3. platinumfire


      hey ur a wheezing son of a bitch just like me haha

  13. don't fucking complain if your not willing to do anything to help fix it.
  14. TL;DR: Record and Report. literally 90% of civ's i try to rp with either give me stupid story's that i hear every day or want to try to rp out of 25 manslaughters. "shit dude i lose my keys a lot and have to pick my car" "dude i have an illegal weapon now but i swear 9 of my manslaughters were with a protector all in self defense" Give good rp, get good rp back, its not that hard.
  15. Maybe you should be more clear, but that isn't the only example of what I'm talking about, a lot of stuff in the past has been brushed aside because it would create more work because of a bigger chance of abuse. Best example i can think of is back in the day where everytime anyone said Deputy's needed stings any SR-APD member laughed it off, it finally got implemented and literally almost nothing changed.
  16. I honestly feel like brushing off features because it creates more work in the short term and maybe the long term is such a shitty/lazy mindset to have. If you don't wanna do the job don't volunteer for it.
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