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Status Replies posted by Bloodmoon

  1. @Page single handedly made plague disband. A true icon

  2. think fed season needs to come back

  3. @Ryan Yo i need money for my birthday... I want to fight cartels with my niggas



  4. Do yall just bully all of the chiefs now? 🧐 I thought it was just gonna be Chris but Sandman too damn

  5. ETA on bastro getting unpermed @Zahzi @Ryan

  6. anyone got corona on olympus yet

  7. Niggas be like”I’m battling my demons” nah bro ur a middle class kid you’re just failing algebra 1

  8. well some kid in the town next to me just got coronavirus, o7 to anyone in massachusetts

  9. If you don’t have a Pepe forum profile picture. Are you even using this shit properly??

  10. who wants the update pushed yesterday? fuck @Civak and @Zahzi

  11. Who wants the update pushed today? Enough upvotes and I'll do it. Fuck @Zahzi.

  12. who deleted it ur a clown.

  13. I didnt even know this was possible....


  14. Might do another Conquest tonight on S3. Just to get a head count, put a like on this status update if you are interested in attending.

  15. Might do another Conquest tonight on S3. Just to get a head count, put a like on this status update if you are interested in attending.

  16. @Sandman why the fuck can APD add missuse to everyone when a ghosthawk is stolen that is stupid af. How are you supposed to text to engage????? Like dead ass that is literally skerrting rules making it so we cant engage 

    @destruct @Ryan

  17. when personal grudges prevent you from gaining rank in any faction. The leader of that faction is failing at their job and needs to be removed. You are no longer running the faction correctly @Ryan @destruct @Zahzi @Sandman

  18. b85a70aa8fa7120f1da5aecb783e5d74.pngSo far I'm moving on to step 3.


  19. @Creepy 

    How you gonna ban @GoBoom

    for this. This guy was trying to ram my truck he got out on his own and ran him self over wtf


    1. Bloodmoon


      So if I don't want to die I could just run into cars to get spangled? Good logic.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  20. @Creepy 

    How you gonna ban @GoBoom

    for this. This guy was trying to ram my truck he got out on his own and ran him self over wtf


  21. @Civak noooooooooooooooo🤣🤣 poor guy.

  22. @Civak noooooooooooooooo🤣🤣 poor guy.

  23. just thought i had to say i stepped down, i wasn't removed lol

  24. just thought i had to say i stepped down, i wasn't removed lol

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