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Status Replies posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Corporal @Parker R when?


  2. What are you all even going  to do on arma 4 before altis and all that is released?? its  literally a milsim

  3. It is with great pleasure that I can announce the Googles CQC Administration Team has never had a pedophile as a member of staff or apart of our community as a whole.


    Vice-President Lorax

  4. @Ryan What are your plans with Arma 4 and the future of the server once it does eventually come out?

  5. Breaking news asylum is covering up a pedophile staff member 





    Screenshot is between a transgender web dev staff member (Wolf) and a now-Admin member of the community

  6. Each like to this status update increases the number of times I blow up Nobles shed by 1.


    I would just like to say Chapter 8: Rule 4 is a stupid rule.

    It's unrefined, and a very weak rule. I'm going to be banned because I took the clothes of a player and requested 50k from his gang. I didn't clasify as removing his clothes are robbing because I am not taking possession of his items. 

    It's not robbing if you don't take their items. I removed his clothes for humiliation. I didn't take anything from him, just removed his clothes. I then asked his gang to send me 50k or he wouldn't get released.


    I play on this server everyday and it's just a stupid rule that I am going to get banned for up to 3 days because of that sitation. That player is just mad that he got fucking ziptied. 



    Also, I put in a request for Support Team. I hope I get to join them, but I am not sure. I don't really think the staff like me that much, but I really like playing on the server </3. 





  8. tfw u win the vote but still don't get promoted 🤭

  9. tfw u win the vote but still don't get promoted 🤭

    1. Bloodmoon


      3 minutes ago, Richard said:

      He did nothing negatively impactful to the rnr.


      Learn your handbook

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  10. tfw u win the vote but still don't get promoted 🤭

    1. Bloodmoon


      Yea, if you expect any logical decisions from senior RnR you are very mistaken.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  11. Selling armed huron 8m

  12. Selling armed huron 8m

  13. Anyone know why my mic doesn't work ingame? It works everywhere else and I've tried running steam as admin and validating files.

  14. Anyone know why my mic doesn't work ingame? It works everywhere else and I've tried running steam as admin and validating files.

  15. @Mr GOAT how are you going to be able to tell if someone is using a ts notifier

  16. @Mr GOAT how are you going to be able to tell if someone is using a ts notifier

  17. 15 cops on during non peak hours on a monday, no wonder no one does feds or runs

  18. Can we make war zone island a conquest option? I feel like over the past couple weeks when I get on to fight it’s mostly for conquest in a random field instead of fighting on og or church. Just make the conquest zone The island then make church and og the only caps.

  19. Joe Biden is a rapist and sniffs young girls hair. 

  20. It's so odd how the server could be full one second and then 12 sAPD on the next second. mmmmmhmmmhmmm

    1. Bloodmoon


      Pretty sure 40 nakeds with rooks should be able to win feds and bws

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

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