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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. @Lorax Happy birthday fellow Administration member


  2. You might be worse than all these new paki kids coming to the server
  3. Any tips on how to get more FPS?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Millennium


      Arma 3 is a cpu heavy game, you will most likely get better framesbplaying on medium/high/ultra than u will with low settings cuz of what it puts onto ur gpu instead of solely ur cpu (something like that). 
      Tldr: you are never gonna have the best frames unless you have a really good computer, i normally play on 20-50 frames depending where I am on the map aswell.

    3. Noahhh!


      @Monks Holy shit, I just watched the video LOLOLOL

    4. Kedar


      wtf is this 


  5.  what did I do wrong here wtf he didn't have combat stance on so I had to put him down 

  6. @Unjo happy birthday bro biggest Sofia eat I know 

  7. Great Conquest Plague! Thanks for DDsoing me after rage logging

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Drippp


      Okay then, let’s go Over this again. You said I play everyday. Compared stats and you probs have 50 hours in the past week. I have 3. Proved you wrong. You said im bad, pulled up your stats and you have under a 1.0 kd when I have a 1. Something proved you wrong again

    3. Derek


      U goofys gotta chill on this post. Who cares who playes more

    4. Drippp


      Derek chill on the ddosing then !!!! Omg

  8. Kentucky fucking reject snitching on the boy goon
  9. This @Parker Rdude is out of control

    1. JuanDeaged


      yea ever since our wife divorced him he been acting out

    2. Vcx


      I can tell after what he said to me today its unbelievable 

  10. People camp athira rebel if you had a brain
  11. Yeah its a dogshit event go back to cheating in cod Sinity and Us will fight on cap while you guys fight cops in 4 towers
  12. Yeah brain dead event no one is going to bye
  13. Nice free booter plague 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Roach1


      @Horizon How brain dead are you. First of all im Ex Mandolorians and ex teamplayers and second im not ddosing them so keep my name out of your mouth retard.

    3. Horizon


      @Roach1 why u so mad lol 

    4. Roach1


      You saying false shit

  14. The Google CQC Administration Team has taken note of what has been going on and might come out of retirement soon

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lucien


      As the Treasurer and an Executive Board member of the Google CQC Admisistration Team, I can confirm that we do not stand for vague and unspecific recent actions

    3. Ryan
  15. Anyone know why when you die it tells you what gang they were in and who killed you was removed? 

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      zazhi said its coming back in hot fix

  16. @Masoooooooooon designer apps are open go you idiot 

    1. Masonn


      Hopefully I won't get banned this time 😄

  17. Its metaphorical you obviously never actually passed elementary school you brain dead 16 year old holy fuck you are delusional stop trying to argue you are just embarrassing yourself
  18. You took the time out of your day to explain like 3 paragraphs worth of stuff which is considered all braindead coming from you. whats pretty weird is the whole sever hates you and I wonder if there is a reason for that freak jesus I must've hurt your feelings pocket admin headass its a game and you took grandma gary's shit talking post way too seriously little freak lmao
  19. How is that couch derek.. jkjk miss u in eft
  20. It is Jerrod that used to ddos and he did it to people who did it to him yikes aren't you that guy that is a plague pocket admin? This thread is boring it's just plague sucking off each other I thought it was going to have some boom and bang!
  21. Damn all the hate in here smh a kid who hit off his school because he couldn't stand using his head is coming to roast everyone here I'm scared @Grandma Gary help me!
  22. Wow Grandma Gary and Zahzi are the best!!!!
  23. The guy below is a true ride or die 😍




    @Parker R

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