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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. how do you guys change your fovs? Asking for a friend.

    1. Rafa


      Arma 3 FOV changer. 
      i don’t have a link handy but just google it

      theres a manual way to do it too in your game files using this guide 


    2. ItsGG


      I've used the fov changer but the fov never stays....not sure why 😕

    3. ItsGG


      going to try the manual way thanks!


  2. wholesome
  3. Happy birthday big man! Can't believe you're 20 now holy

    @JuanDeaged give him some birthday beats for me if he doesn't whoop your ass lmaoo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Parker R

      Parker R

      Pretty easy to mix them up considering they both weigh 500 pounds 

    3. Billeh
    4. ItsGG


      LOL brutal 

      @Billeh my bad man happy birthday hope it was great!










      @JuanDeaged should still beat@billdroid tho

  4. ah thats why well glad to see no mk200s
  5. Happy birthday @buckie miss hearing you go IN on mans ❤️ 


    1. buckie


      Love you auntie you always my king 

  6. ItsGG


    Yoo I gotchu with that discount
  7. Happy birthday @billdroid you turd

  8. Devs would have to set spawns for every owned 3 crater and 4 crater on the map so they don't blow shit up on spawn tho
  9. R.I.P Black mamba 

    one of the greatest to ever do it 

  10. Bro why is my game max out at 30 fps? In the menu it wont go higher than 30 fps and flashes yellow what is this

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ItsGG


      is that actually what v sync does lol

    3. Ryan


      11 minutes ago, Aunt Jemima said:

      is that actually what v sync does lol

      yes it caps it to your monitors fps

    4. TempCool


      I highly doubt this mans monitor is a 30hz @Ryan :bork:

  11. yoooo @Greenbum got sgt letss goo sapd actually made a good choice for once 

  12. @SystemChips obvious choice gratz bro ❤️ 

    1. SystemChips


      lol i hope so ty fam

  13.  If you didnt already hear this, you're welcome.

  14. Been a while since I've had to spam into a server I forgot that was a thing

  15. Thanksgiving is better in October just saying 😉 

    1. Masonn


      Hey Jemima it's ok since we both don't celebrate thanks giving we can stick together!

    2. ItsGG


      nah you're on your own over there cutie

    3. -dante-
  16. ItsGG


    o7 mufflover69 Gonna miss your big brain good luck with the start up buddy
  17. What’s better to buy a new headset Black Friday or cyber Monday?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      Really depends tbh, some Black Fridays they have good deals but Cyber monday can have some nutty ones.

    3. ItsGG


      Shit thats what I was thinking only thing is they don't normally release cyber monday prices until black friday lol 

      if anyone sees any good headset deals lmk 

    4. Drippp


      I’ll sell you mine 

  18. If you’re wanted for 60k and have an illegal gun just pay the ticket on the spot to save your run. If you’re gonna go big on a legal run do it legally with weapons and a clean bounty. Otherwise you may as well do an illegal run as cops will try to search your truck either way the second the see you’re wanted.
  19. With how much room for progression though?
  20. Easily civ cause you don't have to worry about cringey children going on power trips. Plus some people on whitelisted factions take stuff too seriously to the point where it's not even fun. It's just a game.
  21. Just don't unban the wrong people ty
  22. put me in coach
  23. [VX] Unjo
  24. Cmon man there's no way you forgot about those days you were in NSM
  25. I've brought this up before, got really negative feedback, but in all honesty it's a big factor as to why there's less new gangs since cops keep running them off the server before they can actually get started off.
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