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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. All these retards trying to do the good ol' @Dante use my status for goods. Classic Olympus

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danger


      Don't hate the player hate the game.

    3. silton


      6 hours ago, Dante said:

      Listen here I didn’t start the steam wishlist trends tho. Bet your ass I followed though. Prob 1/3 of my library from Olympus. Mostly @Ryan‘s fault when he convinced me to actually make my first wishlist. Olympus Santa 

      You were banging more than steam games

    4. -dante-


      People paid to make sure I kept banning people B)

  2. Shut up black cunt you don't leave your ghosthawk
  3. Make @codeYeTi a dev so we actually have content pumping out. Cheers

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Wow didn’t know this was so controversial.

      1. @Ryan is right about updates, and if it weren’t gated like that, really dumb shit would get to prod all the time.

      2. Yea hire me back. You’ll be seein’ me hanging around here like I have been. Gotta “earn that trust”. I got other dev projects so I still don’t play too much, but I’m making an effort to be present on the forums to try to re-integrate.

      EDIT: 3. If I was tryna fuck Olympus the mission file tarball would have been out long ago. Despite what a select few people who have and never will be staff may think, I do actually think the place has potential lol.

    3. codeYeTi


      Last note: all y’all need to stop shitting on the current dev team if your content stream slips for a little bit. There has been so much churn there right now that if it were a corporate team they wouldn’t be expected to get anything done.

      I knew @TheCmdrRex when we were both new to Oly. The guy may be newer to coding than some, but he’s good people, and will build a good team to get you guys your content.

  4. 2016 Athira Reb. How many times do I have to ask
  5. delete mine and there will be no teamspeak. Also eta on my legacy?
  6. ETA on server 3 being turned into Tanoa again?

  7. silton

    o7 Gamers

    thank fuck youre a fucking retard please dont even lurk on the forums or shit you are honestly unbearable. l8r bitch
  8. senior in a useless roll exdee

  9. Senior Eden template user NICE!!!

  10. @Hiii @ᴄ ᴏ ɴ ɴ ᴏ ʀ * eta on the goods i already sent the money through

    1. Hiii


      shut it pissy pants

  11. i hope that doesnt mean niggas were charging you to do feds
  12. I guess this is partially true. These "1am" feds, or for me 7pm usually dont exceed 8 players on our side its the fact with the distinct lack of cops and lethals especially lethals with combat coordination or skill (if they even exist). Its sad to see cpl+ chosen on the amount of dick they suck and hours they put in instead of actual leadership ability or ability to actually aim in the general direction of us. 99% of the time we are stopped by either a huge senior stack larger than our own or a larger amount of fedguard just due to the fact 1 or 2 of them can shoot or lock on with a titan.
  13. LOOPHOLE this must be a piss take. cops being retarded and using your head is a loophole. brih
  14. APD thinking they won't get clapped I could hold that bitch for a whole restart it don't matter. APR CANT PLAY THE GAME
  15. That's my old house I'll do 2 mil
  16. they found out to kill the mighty silton
  17. Still gonna lose bahahahahahhaa cops fucking suck ass it's dead set depressing
  18. fuck deadpool unblacklist me

  19. Fuck salvage owning Olympus is the real afk money

  20. remember when the apd was good and they didnt have fto or didnt need to re-evaluate corps.

    1. Pledge


      I don't. Considering re-evals have been a thing since @GoodDustin got demoted from senior APD back in (2015??)

    2. Mighty


      Honestly, revals are good. They help make sure everyone is keeping up with the not as common but just as important rules.

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Re-evaluations have been happening since 2014. They did the whole department in December of 2014 and re-evaluations have been here in some form or another since then.

      But I do agree that they need to be changed or done away with. Having done them, I can say I disagree with them since I intentionally passed people who just failed because I needed them to stay at CPL.

  21. silton

    See ya

    you were on 5mins ago
  22. You guys really do be salty you lost the function to decrease peoples arma 3 life forum reputation number. Bruh

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Only support team is mad because it was the closest they could get to being toxic without getting removed

    3. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      2 hours ago, KGB JOSH said:

      Only support team is mad because it was the closest they could get to being toxic without getting removed

      Nah just make an alt easy clap

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