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Everything posted by L3SL13

  1. Monkeys u dumb fuck they should keep u restricted. Now I know how u got so many rpgs no one should feel bad for u. U did this. Now deal with consequences.
  2. Were u duping?
  3. Give everyone steam games
  4. lol @3 Rip complains about people camping yet your letting your trash gang camp others 


    1. Show previous comments  48 more
    2. Snare


      You guys all say you can't fight vigis with more vigis however we have a super toxic cartel community at this point. That's literally all you can do. This isn't real life we're not about to hold a international peace conference. People in this community (competitive cartel fighting)don't care about making the game "fun for everyone" If a kid is camping sheds literally all you can do to get them back is camp there shed and if anyone suggests otherwise they are delusional.

      There is literally no solution to this besides staff interaction. And until then if I or my gang gets vigid at a shed you best believe I'm going to go camp yours.

    3. Snare


      Vigi is a dumb role anyway basically a ruleless cop who doesn't need to pass a test.

  5. Congrats @Julian for support team lead well deserved

  6. So the People litterly have tonight to give me what I want or im offing myself.

    1. PoptartRex


      So what do you want?

    2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      Give us what we want. An answer to the ultimate question. Are you a dude or a girl?

    3. Squid
  7. Where do I apply for coast guard  very intersted ;);)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. madskeng


      Just now, Linka said:

      @madskeng who hurt you?

      my dad

    3. bigSMOKE
    4. Hoonter


      One does not simply apply for Coast Guard.You must show you're commitment and be hand chosen by the Rear Admiral @McDili you clearly are not Coast Guard Material.

  8. When update coming im hyped asf @Jesse

    1. Promethus


      yah for real... i have been getting on everyday hyped for an update 

  9. Congrats @Last  well deserved 

  10. U have an ego
  11. o7 Darwin and congrats to @eggmasta on corporal 

  12. Good luck everyone
  13. Sold
  14. looking for somehting a little higher
  15. Nvm then
  16. Make a offer
  17. What server
  18. https://gyazo.com/deebc30355daa9577598a00635606acd
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