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bigSMOKE last won the day on March 10 2024

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About bigSMOKE

  • Birthday 06/18/2002

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  1. @ Cole Anderson  you in this 16.5 PKO on acr 

    1. Cole Anderson

      Cole Anderson

      Maan these acronyms are kicking my shit... Im a lilll retarded, could you spell it out using plain American???? ❤️

  2. PSA to ppl putting 60 hours a week in on cop to get that promo, you’ll never get that time back, just be better for less hours quality > quantity 

    1. -dante-


      shoutout to @ Corporal Moob  for making sure I never had to be a 40 hour grunt and letting me take my corp test at 66 hours lmao

    2. Mako


      You buy him an SSD too? @ -Shawn-

    3. -dante-


      lmao no he just thought i had more hours and did not check before asking me. 

  3. Hell Divers 2 feeling like a game I have been searching for, 10/10

    1. Polly


      just bought it! have yet to play but my blentlemen say its gaming 1000

    2. Mighty


      I can say without a doubt that it is the most fun I've had playing a game in a min. The amount of team kills @ Milo  and I have got are insane xD. I don't think @ Doc    or @ KermitZooicide want to play with us anymore hahaha

  4. I don’t think there should be apd action taken for this, however for a player that hasn’t been around for a long time say they read all the rules and do something like this, is pretty unfair. Not that hard to add things to the rule book and such when needed and would stop this BS of everyone vs apd at the moment. The “grey-zone” stuff should just be addressed reflecting the rule books when problems arise instead of everyone being babies about arma 3 video game.
  5. feel as if it should vary per ban type, combat log is a bit more intentional than most bans. I once warning shorted a heli that was hovering hq, on my screen he didn’t move for over 5 seconds after so i shot him down. However, he had video of his game freezing while trying to leave so he kept lagging backwards and i was demoted for it
  6. Finally a quality olympus forum thread, i miss these
  7. I think everyone agrees it was a bad call in hindsight but because of a non fully clarified rule in the handbook that could easily be cleared up he took punishment for it. According to the handbook he was within APD rules to do it, however there may be further clarification that snr apd get that plebs don't but from a non snr perspective kinda weird. Used to, cops ate shit during active fed events, so I agree they should still do it. But with a rule that seemingly allows them not to it should be clarified better. edit: yeah nvm he wasn't just demoted for this
  8. Sour skittle gummies > anything 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      @ -Shawn-  they removed them from shelves a few months ago but they’re back and i’m feeling blessed up right now on work break. give them a try if you see them 

    3. Millennium


      sour skittles are fucking gas. Didn't know they made gummy skittles tho

    4. NokiaStrong


      @ Millennium  can’t control myself with them and I burn a hole in my mouth

  9. The GOAT, congrats @ SheriffJohnBeard

    1. SheriffJohnBeard


      thanks man!!  much appreciated 💪

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