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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. Matte black and gold orca skin if you’re doing vehicles.
  2. o7 fun while it lasted, goodbye montage coming soon :4head:

  3. YIKES this mans a mod 6 months later
  4. No one wants these useless pieces of trash
  5.  fortnite > ganglife

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JebronLames
    3. Savage


      @bigSMOKE how u gonna call me 12 but play a game 9 yr olds play 

      Image result for thinking face meme gif

    4. bigSMOKE


      @Savage great comeback you got me, even took the time to add that retarded gif

  6. This man @codeyeti asleep on stream :Kreygasm:

    1. codeYeTi


      Nope, just left the stream on, which isn't that unusual for me. I've forgotten that a bunch of times.

    2. codeYeTi


      I really should just take the time to figure out a decent workflow for reports that doesn't involve streaming...

      @Jesse Just DM me in the future I open Olympus site enough I should see it and be able to shut it off pretty quickly haha.

    3. N7Zero


      Residentsleeper headass

  7. 7 mk1 taser spar 16s taser mar 10 9 sgt uniforms 2 black pilot helmets 3 lt heli crew helmet 3 sgt heli crew helmets 1 snake skin helmet 1 black pilot helmet
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