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Civilian Council
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Status Replies posted by Hurricane

  1. Congrats to @Hurricane and @Panda :) well deserved!

  2. Congrats @Hurricane and @Panda :). Very well deserved!

  3. Congrats @Panda :)

    @Hurricane Why did you have to be my SGT


    jk Hurribot congrats

  4. @Hurricane and @Panda :) right now 

    Congratulations to the boys, big day for Are We Lethals

  5. Gang wars cancelled 

  6. Alrighty im doing a donation lvl giveaway thing. Im gonna donate 300 somewhat dollars in someone name. so to enter just put your pid below. To enter  gl

  7. o7 SeniorSupportTeam it as a good run. Thanks for the chance

  8. Confidence is key boys 


  9. Patrol officers right now


  10. @Hylos or  @Luke Duke will be one of the next sgts if not both of them don’t @ me.

  11. I need a new game, looking for something fun and easy to get into, but a game that has something to work towards. Yes I already have Sea of Thieves. If not that then recommend some good stealth games. 

  12. Chiefs serving up the Super Bowl on a silver platter to the patriots.

  13. Need 2 more for R6 u must have a working brain and know what to do

  14. @Xlax and @ApacheWarrior to the ban center please.


    Umm how is this HEADASS a APD offcer, he legit is making VXPD he is in like a 14 year old gang

  16. Would you be so kind as to uh.. get someone on my case perhaps? I get it, you're busy, but im frustrated and desperate. we all have problems. 

    But please take care of mine first

    Merry Christmas

  17. Paying serious money for a copy of that perm PO list boys 

    I wanna see how much effort was put in to make this :lol:

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