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Everything posted by JuanDeaged

  1. YOOOOO @Parker R Happy bday duuuude *dap up* 🦒

  2. cheater s2 fucking us up

    1. -dante-


      @Ryan can u pls hurry up and delete the cheater 

  3. damn NEVER seen that before u REAL guys are really innovative
  4. You think this is bad try being in plague. Even tho what they did is scum gang they are within the rules plus it’s ur fault u were afk in the gang shed not theirs.
  5. Happy bday

    1. WALT


      Thanks Juan, appreciate it brother 

  6. you know how much $ those fuckers just made in 30 seconds

  7. Do EU ppl have Martin Luther King jr day too?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Are you smoked?

    3. Elements


      pls never call me stupid again. thank u

    4. JuanDeaged


      ahahahhaha EU kids have school on monday l8errrrrr

  8. thank the fucking lord, I thought that kid was never gonna leave

  9. Is this a joke?
  10. If your looking to fight cartels asylum is where you wanna be nowadays
  11. come back to 28 notis and the thing is deleted frick 

  12. @nomadox why u being a little fag and making shit up pussy, ugly ass loser. Don't know what I did to u but ur actually a freak.

  13. @Civilian Council make it so there is an upgrade to gang shed so you can buy pdubs from it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Masonn
    3. NokiaStrong
    4. JuanDeaged


      That’s a lot of fucking work plus I have a bunch of crackheads in my gang who would use all of them

  14. You guys be @ing ppl congratulating them but can u tell me what they got bc I’m not home

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christoph


      mita+winter=dep chief


      green+main+linka= sgt

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Sergeant Christopher Fuckin Walken when?


    4. Christoph



      don't make me send you to jail again 

  15. LEMME GET UR PULSE @Paved @Drippp

    1. Millennium


      I bet you have a weak pulse

    2. Parker R

      Parker R

      Discord right now... im talking to admin

  16. @Jester got ripped of everything for just saying the word dox. Y’all rlly don’t know how to set and follow precedents.

  17. I COULD ONLY SEE HIS HEAD U FAT BRIT Oh and ur dumb if u think mvp should go to a kid who killed 8 rook bangers
  18. where the VOD at for gang wars????? @Panda :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strae


      PLAGUE | jjj 0

      Construction man 1

    3. Masonn


      The VOD may be gone but the clip of construction man clapping you lives on

    4. Cale
  19. English??
  20. I 4 pieced u guys on banana yesterday so I’ll be fine without the RPG if callum gets banned this week y’all are gonna be struggling tho
  21. we just throw 2 ppl at callum to trade with him then its ez win
  22. Kid got perm'd for hitting us off, was camping shed with taser, and comp'd more than enough of the amount needed. Still demoted NICE.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      I don’t quite get the situation you’re talking about. Did you get hit off and got demoted because of it or what I’m really confused 

    3. Creepy
  23. if ur bored enough to watch 


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