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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Congratulations to @TheRealKyle on his promotion and I'm sad to see you go @McDili.

  2. I just need to say that this community has given me so many good memories but I never seem to save them.So,I decided to take a picture with my Team but Dane wasn't there,Still I love this picture to bits and Strikke always showing the booty.


    @DaneG @Pledge @Strikke

    1. Strikke


      Who are you now?














    2. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      i would like to thank the academy for this amazing opportunity 

      ps this is a game. apd will do nothing for you irl.

  3. Congratulations to @Isaac Newton and @Goodman on Admin.

  4. 1. APD (higher ranks) @OutCast @Lucki 2. APD (lower ranks) @RubberDuck @fugi KBDog66 and so many more that it's making my head hurt 3.MEDIC (higher ranks) @Isaac Newton and @Turtle Chris 4.MEDIC (lower ranks) The Godfather 5. vigillantes The Dirty Bastars 6. TAXI drivers Marty
  5. 1. APD (higher ranks) @OutCast and @Lucki 2. APD (lower ranks) @RubberDuck 3.MEDIC (higher ranks) @Isaac Newton 4.MEDIC (lower ranks) The Godfather 5. Vigillantes The Dirty Bastards 6. TAXI drivers Marty
  6. Happy Birthday @Lucki,Have fun on your day.

  7. Congrats to @OutCast and @TheCmdrRex on their promotions.Also to Joe(UK) on Corporal.Keep up the good work guys!

    1. J O E

      J O E

      I have always woblndered why there was a (uk) thing next to my name

  8. Julian

    ban wave

    Says the boy who has been banned like 10 times for RDM,VDM,Fail RP,etc.You know the usual. JK love you @Qasim
  9. Ramen and Mason but Ramen did not post anything
  10. I want to say this because I remember the moment Ramenoodles moved me in for interview and the moment he trolled that I failed when I actually passed.I'm gonna miss this ripped son of a gun because I actually consider him a friend.I feel sad now because no who am I gonna spend time with at 4 in the morning in ST or who's gonna troll me when I think I do something wrong. o7 @Ramennoodles you will be missed a lot.
  11. That actually sounds pretty because we would not have to add american laws into this but we would have a better RP experience when read them rights
  12. I love when someone thinks they can combat log and not get banned.Thank you admins for your hard work.:D

    1. Isaac Newton
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      @Isaac Newton Theory:

      Someone says thank you admins for your work. Staff reply with a gif of a bot.

      Staff = Bots. Bots = MC. MC = Staff?

    3. Fuzy


      Fucking Illuminati confirmed.

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