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savage (;

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savage (; last won the day on April 28 2022

savage (; had the most liked content!

About savage (;

  • Birthday 06/26/1999

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Rest In Peace my boy, will always remember the fun laughs me you and little bill had love you my g watch over me
  2. Everyone getting banned for cheating?



    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Only cheaters ;D

    2. Rusty


      Why do people put scripting ban message as there signature LOL doesn't make you good, i can go script right now if i want too lol. Kids these days

  3. Woah seems a little harsh? You running a military gang?
  4. My boy
  5. 1 month im pretty sure
  6. Happy birthday big D ;)

    1. JoeL


      Yeah hopefully he's living a good 18 year old unlicensed no career life :).

    2. JoeL


      39 minutes ago, Joel said:

      Yeah hopefully he's living a good 18 year old unlicensed no career life :).

      I didn't mean to roast you like this @DeNiaL

    3. DeNiaL
  7. come back #freemymansavage

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Poseidon


      7 minutes ago, Joel said:

      I have no power :( 

      rip, we got a generator a few years ago when we lost power for like 4 days

    3. JoeL


      I got a generator too, but I'm just using it for the fridge, tv, lights.

      Do you have power over there @Poseidon I was driving down there and saw there was traffic lights working and places open.

    4. Eazy


      how did i get teleported here

  8. does anyone know how to fix frame drops like ill have 70 then 15 30 back to 70 ?

  9. 25k and 1 dollar
  10. why are you sucking his dick?
  11. :(


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Produs


      7 minutes ago, savage (; said:

      Fuck aslyum shit server


    3. Dejay


      must have been right before you got blacklisted over there as well

    4. JoeL


      I got banned forever.

  12. why would you stay up for 24 hours ? bad for your health
  13. YOU IN TS?
  14. 500 k? For 3?
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