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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Im glad @Fushigi has confidence! 


    1. Jester


      He actually got the kill lol

  2. literally googled it cause thats the first answer google would give
  3. On SSD keep the essentials such as windows or any main programs, as well as any large games that you want to use for a faster startup. Essentially, just dont fill the SSD past 80% capacity, this way there is room for anything that is necessary. For example, I have my steam, all of the games from steam, and any media files like shadowplay videos, etc on my HDD. On my SSD all there really is on there is my windows installation, and stuff like teamspeak or discord.
  4. This. Also it’s best to keep things off your SSD, granted there is space for installations, but typically you would want a secondary drive to install everything like steam, games, etc on so it doesn’t interfere with anything in the SSD.
  5. Grats on FTO nerd @Fake Grandma

    1. Fake Grandma
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      5 hours ago, Fake Grandma said:

      Thanks scrub <3

      Don’t you get like fake sgt rank when you become admin 

    3. -dante-


      5 hours ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      Don’t you get like fake sgt rank when you become admin 

      He has the option to take an admin rank or continue to grind for legit ranks. He chose the latter. 

  6. WE MADE IT BOYS! Haha. No real talk though im gonna miss you buddy. The day @DeadPooL basically forced you to join my teamspeak was the start to a great friendship. You made me active af with those 30-40 hour weeks along with "The Boys" (You know who you are). You helped me through some dark times, had some deep convos on snap, and treated me like a brother. When everyone ditched me, I was always able to count on you and a few others to be there. Most people call our friendship a Johnson hop, but only the inner circle knows how it really is. o7 to a great senior and friend. If you need anything, such as another story time, you know my snap
  7. o7 @falcon, you were one of the boys. I will definitely miss you brother :( 

  8. Congrats @Mako, and you said you wouldn’t get it...

  9. Happy Birthday to the boy @thordick, you can finally apply to the APD! :Kappa:

  10. Happy Birthday to the boy @last

  11. Congrats @Airborne and @ScreaM

    and o7 @Scribble, always thought you were a great mod

  12. Happy Birthday to the suicide vesting peter on stream brother @DashToxic and to the windows key bot @Destruct

    1. destruct
    2. DashTonic


      thank you my son :P but I think i blew @Kylie Lake up more

  13. Happy Birthday you ape @DeadPooL

  14. "APD hands up or be tazed" *boom*


    @DashToxic you proud of me yet dad

  15. Ryan

    -30 IQ

    According to @Peter Long I have to first legally change my name because there is "too many Ryan's in Olympus"
  16. ik im 2 days late but congrats brotha @hawk

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