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Status Replies posted by Ryan

  1. eta on next best of oly?

    @Ryan @Viper

  2. any nig nog that donates 25$ as a donation goal pm me and ill make you a tage bc im bored as fuck 

  3. 🙂 d955c601e0b172c0517cf667f35c03d4.gif

  4. I think there should be some reconsideration on some of the staff we have. Not bashing anyone, but imo some staff could hang up the cleats and let other, more active and fresh players have a shot at helping the community. 

    Like I said, not a bash at any staff, but some people have a lot to bring to the table but are restricted due to an inactive staff member holding a position they should let go. 

  5. Are we trying to watch the third ape movie tonight? I'll try not to fall asleep on stream again. lol

  6. @Ryan no intentions of rushing you but now that donations are fixed, (gj btw to you and @Noahhh!) can we get an eta on the twitch widget stuff getting fixed?

  7. For those that have been asking, as of today the donation rewards page has been updated to majority of what you receive. There may be a few things that are not listed that we missed but we will be updating them overtime. Shoutout to @Noahhh! for helping us out 🙂 

  8. For those that have been asking, as of today the donation rewards page has been updated to majority of what you receive. There may be a few things that are not listed that we missed but we will be updating them overtime. Shoutout to @Noahhh! for helping us out 🙂 

  9. Where is the ads, we want them back

  10. guys remember click this 25bc67bd62b684e760357e2eff339a72.png @zoomzooooooom

  11. New retarded fed strat



  12. Just want to say thanks to everyone for coming to my fucking 13 hour stream today, it was really weird and long but it had some good moments. And for everyone who came including @Ryan and @Grandma Gary and anyone else who was there for the "olympusftw" manhunt, or "ignis" manhunt if you will call it that, i think we can all agree on one thing, fuck olympusftw... 

    jk wub you

  13. Hi. It's me, ignis. I heard I had a fan of mine reach out to the community today. Twas not me. But, I admire the trolling capabilities of this person 😄


    Fuck you all, 


  14. Just want to say thanks to everyone for coming to my fucking 13 hour stream today, it was really weird and long but it had some good moments. And for everyone who came including @Ryan and @Grandma Gary and anyone else who was there for the "olympusftw" manhunt, or "ignis" manhunt if you will call it that, i think we can all agree on one thing, fuck olympusftw... 

    jk wub you

  15. Y’all getting all these cool ads all I’m getting is one for face masks

  16. Olympus advertising Dr. Squatch -- woah!

    🧙‍♂️ Mission Complete 🥇


  17. Y’all getting all these cool ads all I’m getting is one for face masks

  18. This server blows dick, has since Mcdili sold it and Peter pimped it for profit. 

  19. This server blows dick, has since Mcdili sold it and Peter pimped it for profit. 

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