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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. @Drama @rapidaax @tacosmell @Xeltini @Kyle Lake Hes talking shit about our game, grab the boys.

    1. drama


      I’d talk shit if I was as bad as him too

    2. Xeltini


      you gotta have friends to play that game and have fun I think thats the issue. 

    3. Tacosmell


      @Tb:) Doesn't like it bc he can't dress up as a toy soldier. He also can't aim so he resorts to being a cop ;)

  2. @Tiger Welcome back 




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. drama


      Amazing what people do for my internet clout @hawk

    3. N7Zero
    4. Bloodmoon


      24 minutes ago, N7Zero said:



      Some guy named after an animal or something :4head:

  3. It’s not crap... they literally are lol. On top of being nutty with solo pushing they also impact server performance when a shit ton of Qilins are on cap, so basically it’s not happening.
  4. This is a PSA!! I was not home and do not condone the actions of @Viper. Any and all bans were handled by @Drama so got at his neck not mine. Thx.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. drama


      Ryan said he would send the Jewish mafia after my family if I banned his lowkey internet bf viper so I had no choice but to look away

    3. iPopsicle


      9 minutes ago, Drama said:

      Ryan said he would send the Jewish mafia after my family if I banned his lowkey internet bf viper so I had no choice but to look away

      Smart move those jews are absolute savages

    4. yungxanwiththeuzi


      @Viper never breaks rules wat u talkin bout ? 

  5. Ryan


    Dont worry Luke @Drama and I still love you
  6. @Soulz such a bot honestly




  7. Ryan


    Not true at all. Your voice doesn’t contribute to anything, it just means your younger then most here. For example, @LukeTheCoop is pretty young, but nobody gives him shit and a lot of people like and respect him. The image you get is the image you give yourself based on how you act on the forums, act in game, act in sidechat, and treat others. If someone is giving you shit just because of your voice then fuck em up in game by clapping their cheeks with your gun. Go to a cartel and slap some people around if you feel your gang is not as bad as others think you are. Going to the forums to complain only opens up more doors.
  8. o7 @Kyle Lake gonna miss you buddy. Don’t know why you did that shit but whatever :( 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monster


      29 minutes ago, Aunt Jemima said:

      plz spill the tea


    3. SPBojo
    4. Richard


      Why must everyone tease.  Can’t someone pull the plug already?

  9. o7 @Donald. You are in fact a retard.

  10. @Pledge This man @Tb:) made a promise to all of us. 


  11. Congrats @Tb:) fucking finally

    1. Tb:)


      Thanks man i love you

  12. To all the vigis that were slaughtered today


    1. monster


      I'm still alive! I hid better than Anne Frank and it worked!

    2. Morgan Freeman

      Morgan Freeman

      let us use tasers next time


  13. Relax. You got a 2 hour ban. We sent multiple messages before the event and during the event. Your friend was warned for it, and you went ahead and did the same thing as him 2 minutes later. Appreciate the fact that it was a 2 hour ban, and not a full event disruption ban. As for everyone else, good shit Vigis are mad and were eradicated.
  14. HEY I needed to supervise the rats
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