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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Selling armed huron post your offers below. Player ID : 76561198137365901 https://gyazo.com/b0133c6fb4ac94dea100f2ba4e52bc91
  2. Garages located in Therisa pm me with your offer. https://gyazo.com/02bc68ca63cc11e2ca5f6fee928ba083
  3. Don't interrupt this mans RP.... 


  4. thats b/c you touched it.
  5. Bless up
  6. Trade for 5 planes?
  7. 3.5 mill
  8. @Jesse would it be possible to add something after 100 plane kills like "Ass Clapper" or something that is more challenging, because other titles go into the 1000 score range?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viper


      32 minutes ago, Google said:

      WTF How did you already do that.... Also if you want a new title just message Kurt with the # and title name. He loves doing Titles.

      aight thats a bet 

    3. Zurph


      ass clapper

    4. Savage


      Make it "Cartel Roach+"

  9. Heard Medics have been talking shit about my life... apparently ppl I don’t even know. If you don’t know me keep my name out of ya mouth...

  10. Happy Birthday @Xeltini Congrats on Corp! :Kappa:

    1. Xeltini


      Thanks homie. And YIKES

  11. Like pay the bills money or loadout money
  12. when PayPal doesn’t let you charge back so you gotta sell your new hawk.
  13. They asked me not to pipe them in a plane,I preformed. 


    1. MAV



    2. kev


      still made it out with the rest of the bars :P

    3. DashTonic


      I was wondering how many rockets you had

  14. Don’t you hate when you “snake” Trident funds? @DeadPool


    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      @McDili I just say it as it is. Some ranks bought with money and you know it’s true.  

      @Xeltini reporting goes both ways, I rarely submit on anyone too but some apd guy sent in a vdm vid of me cause he was standing in the hq gate and I drove through and Spangled him... I don’t know what gang you think you played on before that was so righteous since every gang in history has been toxic AF. I’ve been in most of them except for the asylum gangs and it’s all the same. Only difference is it’s a new round of players. 

      Aslong as Gary is still here so I can rotor tap him I’ll have a purpose. 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I accept your challenge.  Ask @snipeZ how I feel about orcas ;D

  15. In an Apd thread over the handbook.... yeah sure.
  16. Yikes, bringing civ life onto the forums.
  17. Oof, you’re Civ rep leave it to that if @TheCmdrRex says we can pipe, im gonna pipe.
  18. What do you mean? Go read the plane engagement text.
  19. It says that you must surrender in the engagement text so if they aren’t complying or at least trying to comply I don’t see any reason not to pipe after sufficient time is given.
  20. if you don’t surrender, you dead
  21. Allright I’ll pm you when I get home at about 3 pm central
  22. 5 mill on the dms
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