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kev last won the day on May 14 2018

kev had the most liked content!

About kev

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. this is a true story it was hard explaining as a 10yr old to my parents why their netflix wasn't working
  2. @Viper @Ryan @Xeltini trident?
  3. fucking fatass mother fucker


    1. silver


      yeah you get him tiger

    2. Kallomaister1


      fucking nerd you just sit on your PC all day playing video games you are like 30 years old get a fucking life you fat fuck. I bet you have never talked to a girl before you dumb ass cunt

    3. |Casper|
  4. msg me offers I have any size in 23
  5. DP23 4 crater S2
  6. kev

    WTS Zafir

    ill start this off at 2mil
  7. Houses me and my buddy have collected and now are for sale 2x four craters 2x three craters 5x two craters PM me with offers or post below
  8. @ikiled perfect

    take out the new 3 to 1 script so I have something to do :D

    1. ikiled


      Thanks brother kev

      And +1 :Kappa:

  9. armed prowlers here
  10. shine is the best, you are running it wrong http://prntscr.com/l8d9y7
  11. it is a legit zafir lmao I sold it to him
  12. holy shit
  13. kev

    WTB MAR-10

    3.5 mil lethal
  14. 20mil @Viper
  15. @TheCmdrRex who the fuck are these guys
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