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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. kev


    Non duped sells for 5-7.5mil+
  2. kev


    Id wait for all the duped DMS and suppresors to go away to get an actual DMS
  3. ill give you an armed huron
  4. gang wars time

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Promethus


      maybe for gangs like tree and etc there won’t be any problems but as soon as gangs like ti or ruby or mclovins gang get playing that when the issues will arise 

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Call isp for new ip week before gang wars? Problem solved, have fun everybody. 

  5. fuck you and your plane @Viper

    thanks for flying me around 



    happy birthday 

    1. Viper


      Thank you, but now it's time to shoot you down :Kappa:

  6. add me on steam steamcommunity.com/id/kastroooo and we can chat
  7. I am gonna need to see your source of money to ensure it's not duped I have 2x armed huron 3x armed prowler 1x armed qilin 2x mk-1 taser mxms let me know how many you need 7.62 suppressor probably some other shit just let me know what you need
  8. Add titles for civs based on bounties? ex.

    Reach 1mil bounty

    Reach 5 mil

    Reach 10 mil

    Reach 50 mil


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan


      O.K.A.Y Bud lmao

    3. ItsGG


      should include past bounties i aint getting a 7mil again

    4. kev


      wheres the confidence @Aunt Jemima

  9. @GhostFace
  10. @Hurricane @thor. yw for all the salty support tickets <3 


  11. @Xeltini :wub:



    1. Xeltini


      Thank you. You are sweaty too in a different way.

  12. ChrisGG makes it to 90% of federal events, man has dedication
  13. One can only assume since he left without notice but the last thing we talked about before leaving was him begging for rank 5 and me telling him no.
  14. Ofc we gonna fight cartels, deadpool wasn’t even there for most fights
  15. I play this shit for fun but people like deadpool act like the world is over when we lose money out of funds
  16. No I don’t do that petty shit btw that was deadpool not Trident
  17. Nothing happened, I bought a new TS because deadpool was crying over the fact he wasn’t getting rank 5 and since he left the gang I am not just gonna leech off his TS.
  18. what I learned from this: s3 gangs aren't actually that fucking rich some people are fucking rats and will do anything for power or money I lost 80mil and I’m not even that mad because the economy is back to were it should be. No more DMSs and supressors selling for 1mil and shit
  19. it’s spelled dying
  20. Yeah, I do have my own gang to run so I can’t exactly commit 100% of my hours to cop but when I am on I try my best. My point is he is a corporal and has the resources and firepower to lead but apparently he isn't doing so and instead just complaining
  21. If you can’t lead a group of 14 people during a fed you shouldn’t take a leadership position like corporal. It really is not that hard and anyone who doesn’t listen to you can be demoted for insubordination. Instead of bitching and whining about how bad they are TEACH THEM HOW TO PLAY. You are part of the problem by not taking action and teaching them
  22. another huron to the collection 

    6 man bw lol


    @TheCmdrRex good fight :P shit was fun as fuck

    selling everything in that picture and bw gear, msg me

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Linka


      @Jazzy yeah, because everyone with egos about fucking ARMA 3 are gone 

    3. N7Zero


      1 hour ago, Linka said:

      @Jazzy yeah, because everyone with egos about fucking ARMA 3 are gone 

      u rite u rite, time to start the reverse psychology. OMG ur soo good. im so shit.

  23. Yeah, my entire montage was us fighting cops! Quit talking shit, yes we do a lot of federal events because they are fun but we also fight cartels. The reason we fight federal events though is that our gang is actually large and active thus when we have 10-20 people on we don't wanna fight 4 people on cap instead we will fight 10-20 cops that are online as it is much more of a challenge and an even fight. Just because we aren't a "cartel only fighting gang" doesn't mean we don't fight them. I like doing everything on the server, you will see me in kavala, OG, doing a run, at a fed, viging, robbing cops and much more. I have fun doing different shit and fighting a gang that labels themselves as a "cartel only gang" but when we defend don't even pull ifrits it just isn't fun all the time.
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