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Everything posted by Savage

  1. I voted gary cause gary doesnt look like a pedofile
  2. Happy Birthday @Decimus and @Pledge! Decimus ur a perm sergeant and Pledge u gonna retire from anything else? Happy Bday!

  3. Isnt King Lee younger than me?
  4. Give this young nibba a chance
  5. Happy Birthday u cunt dont steal gang funds next time :P

  6. ts by far
  7. Grats on Corp!

    1. Genghis Khan
    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      MFW the Chief down votes my promotion 276943.png 

  8. @Peter Long when will be the next update on the status of Gang Wars?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JebronLames


      10 minutes ago, Savage said:

      @JebronLames thats not DPI (showed to admins said it wasn't) so yea...

      I was just memeing, but I'm pretty sure you ended up telling one of the cops that was there that you only did it because you knew you were fucked and it wasn't gonna make a difference xdxd

    3. proud


      @JebronLames who is that young woman in the background saying savage is DPI glitching?

    4. JebronLames


      2 hours ago, Proud said:

      @JebronLames who is that young woman in the background saying savage is DPI glitching?

      idk but she sound pretty cute

  9. Im not saying names, but i hate it when u wipe a gang, and they request and the medic that comes is in that gang u wiped. Being the scummy rat he is, he he leaves even when u need him the most.

    1. LongInactiveAccount


      This is a work of fiction.

      We all know you chaps can’t kill a thing

    2. Savage


      Fuck off the forums retard go back to ur salvation server stay away from this forums

    3. LongInactiveAccount


      I logged on that shitty server for 10mins and then logged when I had no one to dupe with 

  10. Ayyyy @Proud congrats on corp!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Julian


      I'm sorry but my heart actually stopped for a sec and then realized... it was all a bad dream.

    3. Savage


      2 hours ago, N7Zero said:


      I LOVE U

    4. HyperGoat


      3 hours ago, N7Zero said:


      OH LORD



                                                                                                                                 you suck at PUBG

  12. Ayyyyy @King congrats u downie! Ur gonna make the APD as cringe as ur snaps :) 

  13. Ran across a kid who asked me "How do you become a cop?" I asked how old he was and he responded with 12. HE HAD A DEEPER VOICE THAN ME WTF

  14. idfk if i can play civ if u allow vigi's in fucking warzone

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Parker R

      Parker R

      Nobody camped it... when we tazed you we drove up on you

    3. Gaetano


      stop getting tased

  15. @McDili i love you and we both know why tytytytyty

    1. Apathy


      sunnay is free finally 

    2. JayJay
  16. @G.O.A.T. and @EatMeth you guys were some of the most relaxed and chill people i knew. You took a situation and make it fun to put smiles on peoples faces. You will never be forgotten for the shit you did to me and the APD. o7 my dudes

  17. Happy Birthday! Your more of a kavala scat than a admin tbh

  18. This vigi update needs to come out like today...

    1. Lethal


      the update wouldnt have stopped your dumb ass from getting vigied

    2. Savage


      talking about how u guys r camping our shed :) 

  19. not again...
  20. Not when most of them hate u
  21. Pretty sure not sorry about that but when u have time at home try it cause i explained it somewhat bad but still understandable
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