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Panda :)

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. 07 Mr. Buckie I fucking love you hmu on snap anytime.
  2. Congrats @Mr GOAT and @ThatNerdyGuy.

    1. zoomzooooooom




      s-s-sooooo... a-about sergeant?

  3. They have to ask for Dope for you to give it to them no? then why would a medic need to know unless someone ask for it the quite obviously they are on Dope this would be a waste of time to add. Cops need it to make sure that they are alive so they can carry out their duties.
  4. Hardest song is definitely bigger than life
  5. Oh frl?
  6. 07 and thanks for the shot in senior APD I know we may have had different opinions about certain things but imo you were the last chief to run sAPD at least half-way straight now it’s just a fuck fest and good job. Have fun doing what ever you are doing.
  7. Change back the ts icons NOW

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Evannnnn


      @Strafe you talk alot of shit for an ex real member

    3. johnny goose
    4. Evannnnn


      yeah like a month ago LOL

  8. My Playlist has like every genre of music in it some of its older rap and some of it's music I added while I was smoking crack and just haven't bothered to remove it go nuts.
  9. For anyone that plays tarkov check your messages in game battle state gave out 1 mil bc of server troubles.

    1. ChillX


      Thanks for the info cutie

    2. Horizon


      this free 1m feels gooddddd

  10. *Host gangwars* b9e330ecaab6686f18026c0b236ef9d3.png

    thanks guys this really makes me want to do more gangwars / cartel events!!!!!!!

    now I know why @Peter Long stopped .

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. -dante-


      Honestly man as a staff member, you should always be using a VPN if you’re joining any other TeamSpeaks if you have the slightest suspicion. Unfortunately even if you cool with members of the community, that’s still a lot of power to give em. There was only a very small select few of TS I would join without mine. I wouldn’t even join @Ryan’s without one before he was staff. 

    3. silton


      @Panda 45% isn't ddos retard even the shittest booters can send it

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Never said that but this thread is pretty funny

  11. Panda :)

    hi im back

  12. Forgot to ask if anyone has a spotify playlist they want me to playing the stream link it here if no one links anything I am just playing my playlist.

  13. He’s just going to fish on bdo again and cook chicken on his pc
  14. Smh this Ryan guy never shouting out his BEST Admin. I’m hosting again.
  15. Cartel event 5 pm EST got s3 for it this time so you can literally spawn at rebel and unlimited money should be fun this time.

    1. c0zza
    2. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      They said unlimited money last time it was on server 3

  16. ------[[__]]-------. DO
    ;-------------------. | YOU
    |                               | | LIKE
    |          DEFIB          | | WHAT
    |                               | | YOU
    | _______________ | / SEE?

  17. We the 3Peat baby

    1. ScreaM


      admin panda oml

      see you soon

  18. Stop roleplaying in status updates

  19. Cartel event @6 est S2

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan


      41 minutes ago, zoomzooooooom said:

      @Ryan actually ryan, he's creating a nice event that keeps the players attracted to the server and sometimes those players want to donate to the server to fund for these type of events, so TECHNICALLY hes slaving while you make some money for your future kids or cocaine and hookers either one honestly

      Since hes having my children, seems like it works out ;D

    3. zoomzooooooom


      @Ryan actually ryan, he's creating a nice event that keeps the players attracted to the server and sometimes those players want to donate to the server to fund for these type of events, so TECHNICALLY hes slaving while you make some money for your future kids or cocaine and hookers either one honestly

  20. I wouldn’t see why not the message would still pop up for the pilot.
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