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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. post offers https://gyazo.com/fac964ec300257fdaa6240dfae8e24b6
  2. You made a mistake by asking some people in this community but if you truly want to be known stream a game you are good at and have a sense of humor because it's boring watching a guy that is bad at the game and not funny or can't make a conversation and also I wouldn't recommend streaming arma 1. Stream sniping reasons and 2. Arma is a dying game and no one really searches for it on twitch or YouTube.
  3. Plz explain am acoustic If you did spend 25k on this server i hope you are a pretty wealthy man because this game is a dying game.
  4. I can't tell if this is serious because I am confused you have the guy that made a pubg montage screaming white power and n*gger through the whole as the new owner?????????? If it is serious I highly respect you @Poseidon for not just taking all the donations and leaving 07.
  5. @Peter Long will i be able to play since my hacking ban had nothing to do with combat and ontop of that it was lifted?
  6. Add me on snap @tburkeen2

    1. FlapJack


      u ugly as fuck get outta here panda ;)

  7. FUCK Plague has a bonding bowling match that day can we reschedule?
  8. Almost a month ago @Peter Long said "expect a GW post soon." Xd xd xd xd xd xd xd where it at?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @ArX I missed the harassment. Thanks boo

    3. Fedot
    4. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      @Panda :) My daughter got sick and required surgery. Chill out. I said GW is coming, so its coming. 

  9. I'm sitting in my school bathroom surrounded by black people beating on the door I'm scared send help

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sin


      We don’t love you

    3. Skapern


      Say that you have had a whole nigerian tribe in your ass before and you can do it again. Then run out buttnaked, they'll run.

    4. CHEECH


      when u say chiraq n***** aint shit and forget to turn off location

  10. Can someone tell me what the hell is wrong with my Arma i can't see any servers in any of the filter tabs and I have restarted the game, my computer, and steam multiple times and i still can't see any servers.

    1. Apathy


      lol make sure your filter isnt set to something weird also make sure steam is online those are the only things I can think of.

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Join of a friend. Somehow your recent servers list has been wiped

      Happened to be the other day

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      @metro there is nothing in my friends tab neither in my internet tab and there is nothing in the search filter

      Lynx my steam is also online

  11. bye dad
  12. @Peter Long Can we get a eta on gangwars or?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rusty


      jwilly ur mums pregnant i put my dick in her.

    3. iPopsicle


      He's busy with work and taking care of his family rn. He want's to do it but he can't currently.

    4. DABESTeva


      2 hours ago, Ignis said:

      He's busy with work and taking care of his family rn. He want's to do it but he can't currently.

      Why don’t u do it. Oh nvm:Kappa:

  13. 78673eb09cc524973208ca8b4594d732.jpg
     You boys better look out we have lennie the god tier roleplayer and me and Zurph the god tier roaches!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      11 hours ago, jwilly said:

      Make it to where i can buy some ifrit skins with irl money

      You can say it's copying ideas all you want. St the end if the day it looks sick and makes cash.

      What's to lose.

    3. JayJay


      God tier roach???

    4. Rusty


      On 26/09/2017 at 3:30 AM, jwilly said:

      Make it to where i can buy some ifrit skins with irl money

      You getting mummies bank card lad? Only way your buying anything.

  14. S T A T U S U P D A T E
  15. @Corporal_Moob I was always a fan of MC and I was the first person to ever apply to it and after 2 years I was finally in it even though I have only been in the gang 4 months it was my most favorite gang I have ever been in and thank you so much for letting me in and I will always still be aids in ts <3 o7 good luck and its a shame because I wanted to see if MC could take the W in the upcoming GW.
  16. Who the fuck is Sv?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Orgondo


      A worthless sack of shit.

    3. Soverign
    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Yea ok I don't don't play much any more nor was I a legacy donor but if what I gather from that post about them being removed is true you are a pussy ass retard like what the fuck are you thinking if you donate $400 and you don't get donor perks it states no where when you donate that you get perks I honestly hope you think about what you did to this community I know its not a heavy change but those people that are legacy donors deserve for keeping their loyalty to Olympus and using their own money for those perks I hope you regenerate a couple of brain cells.

      Hope you get permed too! fag

  17. [NSM]
  18. Panda :)

    1 i andrew

    YEA permed
  19. I have 1.5m on mcgregor anyone wanna bet against?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)


    3. Fedot


      whwere is my 1.5mil

    4. Genghis Khan
  20. The rare speckled panda was spotted in this video.
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