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Panda :)

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Bro it is fucking impossible to do online school when u are from somewhere where all the teachers are brain damaged when it comes to computers one of my dumbass teachers made some classwork for me to do and has some chrome plugin required to do it and the plugin doesn't work and now i deadass cannot do any school work.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hoggie


      Yh I do computing in the UK and the level of online teaching compared to face to face is fucking dog shit 

    3. Thick Mans

      Thick Mans

      it took me 5 hours today to do an online lab with my group since the retards told us to make our own online meetings and just told us to figure it out

    4. billdroid
  2. pce was nice having you around. @xDRO

  3. Panda :)


    I banned you once for doxxing when u did but ok Was this meant to guilt trip me?
  4. mfw you have to edit your post to not look like a pussy Anyways I'm not going to argue back and forth with you idc lol.
  5. That what I thought. And talk shit when you need are old enough need a razor
  6. I guarantee you have no clue what lamron is.
  7. 07 @Strae you will be receiving  you honorable discharge from the guaminese Royal Air Force momentarily.

  8. For the love of fuck put your correct player ID in a comp request its not that hard and if you actually have no clue how to get it just link your steam account.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The_Real_Jester


      for real i logged on one day and had 250k in deposit box but never put in a comp request

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Know what's better than putting the wrong PID, reporting yourself for NLR while reporting someone else 

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Until they hit you with the they got killed by a bug and then you unban them

  9. fyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xirie





    3. Regal


      I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage

    4. Kamala Supporter

      Kamala Supporter

      Love this shit nibba. DONT WANNA SPIT I WANNA GULPPPPP

  10. @Crenshaw
  11. Panda :)

    cya boys

  12. Panda :)

    cya boys

    You're all equally retarded
  13. Someone say something?
  14. What the fuck did I just watch?
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