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APD Officer
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Everything posted by billdroid

  1. Imagine having 8ams 😢😤😭

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      That’s when I hang myself 

    3. eggmasta


      Had them Tuesday/Thursday last semester. Never again.

    4. WALT


      Calculus Monday Wednesday Friday 8am

  2. Congrats men

    ♿ @the 2 boomers

  3. like i explained to you in ts, you being afk isn't the cops fault. you went afk in the shed with an illegal weapon in a place where cops can see you. It's not their fault you decided to do that. Had you not been afk, they probably would have gotten pc anyway when u opened the door to exit or take refuge inside the shed.
  4. @KGB JOSH is a degenerate racist. Now he can add dirty pedophile to that list

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Gotta get a trophy cabinet for all these achievements

  5. turn off the lighthouse ty

    1. Millennium


      Only if you turn off the sui vest

  6. congratulations sir

  7. remove vigis 

    remove night time


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Holy shit you're annoying

    3. ItsGG
    4. billdroid


      Sorry I spawn in at my gang shed in the middle of nowhere and get insta tased before pulling out a car. 

  8. Must have been a lucky dude to take it from u huh?
  9. DayZ is the best game. F arma 3 🥳!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. billdroid


      U smell like pickles freak

    3. cHROME.


      Go to bed so you can wake up early!! Tell your brother aswell!!

    4. Kamikaze


      anything after .61 is garbage

  10. just realized putting peoples pictures on the forums is allowed so here: 


  11. Wait so @rabid leaked pictures of a fourteen year old child and he’s still around and staff? Cool @Ryan

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)


      2 words: stock market.

      Obviously for this you have to know what you are doing and have money.

      just hire someone to do it for you and I won’t tell you how I got money to do it. (Yes it was legal and no it wasn’t mommy or daddy’s money.)

    3. maxg


      Just gonna leave this here,

      I could care less if someone sees a picture of me, Just the fact that someone is taking pictures off of my mom's fb where all of my siblings pictures are and shit, You gotta be trippin if you think that shit ain't weird lol

  12. Arma 3 is my therapist —> My room smells like pussy —> clitorious

  13. did you guys see round 2 of sinity v plague. gosh they got womped aye!

  14. Wrong fat boy. we got the easiest path to the finals. Beat the chumps whose leaders can’t fight with them then beat the foreigners who can’t speak proper English.
  15. Ban this dirty cheater @Whitee!!

  16. So I’m just gonna say the n word in game all day because I’m not staff
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