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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Can confirm playing on a 100 ping average is the most over powered thing in the game lol
  2. Literally the most fucking thalidomide update I've ever seen, somebody literally looked at Tachanka and thought fuck it, lets add it, but make it stronger. For a server that it undeniably dieing there seems to be wayyyyyy to many niches for people to get involved in, isn't the whole point you actually come across people? Idk about these ammo trucks, is everyone rocking around with hawks nowadays? I remember most gunners having a sir name ending in "stien" and would be super fucking conservative with the ammo. Also is everyone cruising with Xians now as well like Batman would in Gotham City? There's too much that I haven't seen before and I don't understand, but It's probably just as retarded as the rest as a generalisation. IDK what the server is actually like to play on now but there seems have been a major shift it not only the level of gear thats available, but also the gear that's being commonly used, I call my thesis Gear-flation. TL/DR Shit content is being made just to keep the server financially afloat
  3. I don't get how the guns that don't do anything can be used in an argument
  4. Nice nice, If you sold it to some rat I would have had to pull the meme
  5. Ay boss did you sell the hawk
  6. Will the riots cause a second wave if the first wave isn't over?

  7. So when was the last time @Kedar posted something intelligent. All I ever see is 1 word posts like "True" and "Lol" 

    Stop trying to farm e-rep nerd

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Airborne


      We can’t expect coherent replies from kedar as his fingers are quite worn down from all that elevator button pushing. 

    3. N7Zero


      @Airborne lmao kedar has no fingers.. have u seen him play arma?? like unjo is also better than him at R6 too. straight facts.

    4. Linka


      @N7Zero skill in arma is a myth, if you play enough to be good you are probably a loser. 


      *I have 3,500 hours, I was a loser*

  8. No way Dream in that desert temple wasn't scripted

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Montez


      24 minutes ago, Jig said:

      his videos seem scripted cuz its like how are the chasers that bad

      mfw all the hunters have like 1k+ hours and play like they just installed

    3. Monks


      3 people against 1 in a closed in cave yet he still came out on top. Like what.

    4. Strae


      the 4v1 is kinda nuts

  9. Pretty hard for me to sell it, As had it for years I reckon You will need to add T4, its stock Please no retarded offers, will be ignored A middleman can be used if needed Looking for $$$ to hit that casino
  10. If you have VR and play phasmophobia with it, you can carry an extra item.

    Pay to win is lifeeeee

  11. Congrats @Winters

    Good to see that college of policing work put somewhere

  12. My zips cost more than your rent

  13. Best minecraft server hosting site? Want a dynmap as well. So many options 

  14. Northern Ireland IRA COD when?

    1. Mr GOAT
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Vehicles have a random chance to blow up when you drive them and if it doesn't blow up a white van pulls up and 4 masked men with baseball bats break your knees.

       Instant classic!

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      To heal you have smoke a 20 deck of JPS super kings and take a swig of yer Da's bathwater

  15. Happy birthday @Ravin

    1. Ravin


      why xd have it off for a reason -_-

  16. @Anyone in server 1 Kavala in about 45 mins when I hop out of the big house


  17. More red names at casino than at warzone

  18. Once had 6-10 drunk clowns walk in with a charity change pot at about 9PM, not too sure how real the charity was Once spilt a bulk ketchup bag on one of my managers (5L I think? )
  19. Ordered steam index on april 27th

    Finally paid

    Actual pogs

    1. Lime


      It's gonna be a mighty fine investment

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