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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. White is right
  2. @Kedar We have an issue here
  3. Unjo


    Im talking about mags. Fairly sure the mags used to cost 3-5 warpoints, so 50-90k depending on your conversion. 15k is nothing considering it has no recoil and literally a drum mag of 7.62
  4. Unjo


    I fairly sure this was something I argued for on civ council. They used to cost alot of war points and the cash alternative became a thing.
  5. @Kedar during the corp test


  6. Looking for a gaming pc for a friend. She wants to play VR games and GTA. Thinking this one https://www.overclockers.co.uk/ocuk-gaming-enigma-enthusiast-ryzen-7-2700x-geforce-rtx-2070-super-fs-1dw-og.html#t=c1 

    Gonna get another ram card in the future and get windows 10 from amazon as its slightly cheaper, ay or nay? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vcx


      Honestly a good rig for vr and gta, it really depends on if anything else will be played too. But it would be probably better by getting all the same parts and picking them out and buiding yourself because it most liekly will be cheaper 

    3. Unjo


      Mostly Minecraft, maybe Rust and some VR games so quite a range of games. I would build it myself and deliver it but UK is still on lockdown as it would be a bit cheaper.

    4. Pauleft


      You need a minimum of a gtx 1060 for that. VR destroys your computer. CPU wise im not sure but I would guess an i7-6700k should do well.

  7. @Kedar Thought you were going to discord call me and I was going to help you with the test? Was that not the plan considering we had to fix your discord to stream ts sound?

  8. Free my baby boy, he didnu nuffin, hes a good boy, hes neva done nuffin. The systems out to get us

  9. Can I get off restrictions so I can actually fucking bet please?

  10. Happy birthday @Cyanide Heres an unlimited use cracker pass

  11. Pools closed

  12. So how long on toilet paper runs?

  13. Coronavirus is a hoax to distract from the fact it's the 21st and Sandman is still chief 

  14. @Zahzi Happy Birthday 

    Image result for rabbit with carrot

  15. Already uploading the edited video
  16. Go look at the Bohemia discord. All the mods actually white knight over the policy on this game its hillarious
  17. Biggest simps in the world are those who are donating for Olympus to have a testing server that clearly doesnt get used

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NokiaStrong
    3. silver


      no one uses simp like that these days, but ok i guess

    4. Civak


      you were simping in that ban appeal

  18. Yo there were some guys in white bed sheets at your door with lit torches. I told them that halloween is months away and they cleared off. I got your back my nigga @ChrisGG

    1. Ravin


      Sorry me and @DeadPool had the wrong house my b 🐒

    2. Unjo


      Now the pumpkin makes sense

  19. Don't listen to vigi retard. If they are pulling up to the situation and obviously grouped up with the opposing group and about to get involved, feel free to kill. Its called group engagement. If its very obviously some third party vulture trying to scout out the situation and see whats up then engage. Just becareful if you use group engagement, administration sucks more than Henry the hoover
  20. Americans be sitting in class vibing, whilst the cops and the school shooter be racing each other to clap the black kid

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