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Everything posted by Bow

  1. And if people didn't like and play the server they wouldn't donate for it. They could just as easily go to one of the other 300 life servers which have them.
  2. If they can't split themselves up its their own problem. I wouldn't call the server being dead when it reaches the donation goal in 3 days so their logic there isn't really valid.
  3. It's a piece of piss to find a gun store with AA, run in, buy it and shoot the fucker down.
  4. Out of interest, why don't you just play wasteland all day?
  5. Congratulations to @Ming who claimed the armed prowlers from the event tonight. Too bad some people gave up early because the fights were great.

    1. Savage


      Being one of the cops there it was a fun time for everyone, Congrats @Ming for not giving up early, I would say it was well worth it :)

  6. Everyone get on server 1 in ~30 minutes for a sweet ass event. You probably* wont regret it


    * - you might

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dangus


      2 hours ago, jwilly said:

      i would have kept coming but some faggots took my ifrits to chop shop from the event and tree was sniping with mar 10s

      From a heli 600m in the air with mk-18's but close enough. We got around 11 kills I think maybe 12, don't remember.

    3. Jwilly


      oh lol i was told u guys were far out with dms 

    4. Dangus


      Nah. It was funny as fuck. We were their for a while but the two guys on the bench weren't hitting shit, then all of a sudden they started going off on people. it was hilarious seeing people running around like they had their heads cut off

  7. Thanks, we know. @Poseidon has been informed.

    1. Kanyn


      Seem to be getting this too.

  8. Someones mad. Bye. We do protect the community from RDMers. We are a light RP server, if you don't like that then go play a server which fulfills your dreams and ambitions. Thanks. We do deal with it in-game as well as out of game. If we were to solely deal with it in-game, during full population we would require at minimum, 56 people to spectate half of the population constantly we know they were engaged correctly... 3 servers which makes that 168 people dedicated to spectating other players all day. We would then need 167 slots on each server to hold the regular full population + our spectators.
  9. Probably nothing more than ~10 fps I bet. ArmA is a CPU intensive game, if you want more fps then you need a high end CPU.
  10. Oh yeah, I had 2x 3TB before, then it wasn't enough so I got 2x 8TB... then it wasn't enough so now I use Google.
  11. Little ole woah nelly over there only has a bit of music and shadowplay recordings on it And Thank you sir
  12. You literally can't go wrong.
  13. You will not regret spending extra on an SSD. You will literally boot windows in <10 seconds and will notice an immense difference in the loading times of games/programs. Even if you get a smaller drive JUST to put windows on for now, it's worth it.
  14. We can't just ban someone because some guy said "he RDM'd me". Half of the tickets are denied because the evidence is either insufficient or because the player didn't actually break any rules. Could you imagine how many innocent people would be banned if we just banned from everyone's word. You could literally get anyone on the server you want banned.
  15. YO THE FUCK? Kavala scat here. Teaching you the correct way of life around Kavala.
  16. spacexsapcexspacexspacex


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mighty


      I love space/rockets.

    3. Pledge
    4. DashTonic


      That looks better than Kerbal space program

  17. Pls translate pls. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool


      @Seth Mobster I am sorry who are you?

    3. Bow


      That is definitely not what Humbug said. This is worse than @Ares English.

    4. Aress


      Its something about a dirty country incest boat

  18. Correct, only feminists use their voices as weapons
  19. bye

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      No comment lol.

    3. Bow


      You will not understand the pain until you come to the UK and order at your local kebab shop and have to wait.

    4. Tman15tmb


      I'll stick to my cholesterol packed cheese burgers. #Merica

  20. Not a bad story. However God Poseidon and Gary once were followers of a cult called Bionic. The often kidnapped police with Bow's cult and executed them graciously.
  21. Thank you to everyone who joined any of my events today, been doing them for like 10 hours now. Special thanks to @Strikke and @Isaac Newton for the assistance and @Ignis for breaking the Russian Roulette event.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      im still waiting for my reward mother ugly

    3. Bow


      Allah will bring you gifts friend

    4. Guest


      all i want from allah is a bunch of wires  my brother.

  22. Hey whats your player id? Just asking for a friend.
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