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Everything posted by TRYHARD

  1. Free the boy randy 

  2. Bump. 5mil for 7.62 500k for the 5.56 500k 5.8
  3. Some suggestions. Get the old GW mission file or something like it to stop people from buying shit they aren’t supposed to and so that they spawn at the gearing location. Give every gang that participates that does not reach 3rd place 5mil in gang funds to hopefully increase participation. What Drama did was unacceptable, over 100 players had been waiting hours to play and he was more concerned with his time and not the event he was putting on. I’d recommend not letting him host in the future.
  4. No timer and whats with the csats and mk200s?

  5. 5 first round byes when you didnt even fill in the first round? Why not bring 2 teams down to get an extra game in? nvm it would require another team. just looks weird
  6. mfw I get mass downvoted
  7. All this to keep DD from playing. I wouldnt worry about it though. Prime or TI are gonna win anyway.
  8. 5m for 7.62 and 500k for 5.56
  9. Offer
  10. Only counter to an armored heli with miniguns is spending an equal amount on a launcher and rockets to shoot it down. Maybe remove the armed hawk and buff cops in other ways......
  11. Cops coming to warzone for every fight its actually so aids...... 

  12. Still taking offers otherwise I will sell it to @Legion23966 tomorrow
  13. Offer
  14. You know its bad when Plague can finish a blackwater

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. swrvy


      u n d e f e a t e d

    3. Drippp


      You know it’s bad when TI gets carried by the plague boys

    4. Jaster


      Don't let @Zurph and I remind you about the Enemy vs Plague fights. Straight embarrassing....

  15. Not playing until the staff start listening. Need some unbans and the cops out of warzone
  16. If Peter would put aside his personal vendetta against Connor there would be at least more more active cartel gang. Unban cheaters but not harassment bans lmao
  17. All Im saying is no one complains when theres 2 big gangs on the server. But when theres 20 cops you cant run money, cant do feds, cant go to cities, cant do jack shit. Group cap definitely contributed to Asylums decline. But they also never implemented a cop cap so who knows what could be different. Edit: Can only fight cartels and they seem to be ruining that lately
  18. Seems all the role is good for is camping vehicle spawns.
  19. I noticed quite a few gangs didnt bother showing up or submitting a roster. My suggestion is to increase the prize pool significantly to increase participation. Everyone knows what gangs will fight in the final so lets give the gangs with less skill a reason to attend the event. Example First Place 40mil in gang funds Second Place 20mil in gang funds 3rd/4th 10mil in gang funds 5th-8th 5mil in gang funds
  20. Cops going to war zone is one sided fun. Civs get nothing for killing the cops and the cops get a nice paycheck if they win.
  21. 40
  22. 53
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