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Everything posted by thor

  1. This bully should not be a staff member. 

  2. congrats @Kamikaze 💯💯

    congrats @Hylos

  3. since the only person that could run civ council is gone can we bring back the civ rep system?

    also o7 @i win 😕

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. thor


      9 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      if you were to vote for someone for civ rep who would it be?

      ye kinda hard to answer that one, considering no one has applied and I have no options to chose from.

      Can't really ask that Question, Civ Rep candidates always had to apply with a statement, so ye kinda hard to answer that, considering I have no clue who would apply and what their intentions would be.

    3. Millennium


      @thor and what about Zahzi and Dadpool as heads? They were a lot better than the civ reps as a whole.

      Maj didn't just deny things, unless it was completely braindead or everyone in the council disagreed. Shit even at that he would put something down even if most declined it because someone was so passionate on it (but that person had to fight for it on the roundtables). Yeah sure Majestic was definitely the best one but it is a lot more difficult for civs to get anything done with just 1 or 2 people fighting for stuff. Shit look at the fucking roundtables you know how long they are and how many debates are brought up. Do you think that 1 or 2 people are capable of thinking about every single thing ever?

      Decreasing the civ council back down to 2 people is a significant impact on the server and to civilians as a whole. 

      You can't give shit to the civ council because you don't know people who are on it.  You don't know if they are good or not because you haven't seen their ideas on the sheets.

      2 people arguing & coming up with ideas < a council of people coming up with ideas and arguments

      @sploding there is no need for every sr to get elected and no need for dep chief heads for civ council. Im gonna have to hard -1 the idea of voting for someone because you & majority of the server haven't seen who actually argue, debate, etc. on the roundtables as well as who actually comes up with good ideas, ideas that arent intended to fuck over the APD, etc. You don't genuinely know who is good on the civ council hence why sr's are elected by the head when a slot is open or someone gets removed, etc.

    4. Millennium


      6 minutes ago, thor said:

      ye kinda hard to answer that one, considering no one has applied and I have no options to chose from.

      Can't really ask that Question, Civ Rep candidates always had to apply with a statement, so ye kinda hard to answer that, considering I have no clue who would apply and what their intentions would be.

      yeah sure its more difficult, but if it could be anyone on the server who would it be. Fuck statements that does nothing, half the time it was bullshit either way.

  4. hbd @rapidaax

    1. monster


      Either you got the wrong person, or i dont understand this joke.

    2. rapidaax
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