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Retired Staff
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Status Replies posted by thor

  1. Congrats @thor. & @Hurricane on Senior Support!

  2. what keybinds do yall use to build in fortnite? that q shift is really awkward  

  3. This shit is fire 


  4. After a while of thinking The Google CQC Administration Team sees it in their best interest to swear @thor. into Deputy Civ Rep position.

  5. Congrats Shepard #2 on Corporal! 

    Just messin' around. Congrats for real @Papa Cy =)

  6. Hows it goin fellas

  7. I am proud to notify Olympus the 

    D a n i e l civ rep campaign will launch tommorow

  8. can anyone link the stream to the gangwars, i never watched it

  9. Congrats to all new corporals @thor. and @Hoonter 

    well deserved.

  10. several, multiple, hours in, i guess ill say it to. CONGRATS BOYS



  11. maxg

    maxg    thor

    Congratz Mong

  12. Congrats homey.

  13. @thor. the amount of times u send me streaks with ur cop hours, it was bound to be


    g     r         a          t                    s

  14. @Hoonter congrats on corp @thor. CONGRATS OOOOOON COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORP

  15. @thor. Congratz on Corporal

    @Hoonter Congratz as well

  16. thorrrr you make me proud son... Just remember who taught you the ways of cop :) cutie btw

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