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Status Replies posted by thor

  1. Really just out here tbh 

  2. @Tiger finally re-permed dirty hacker!!

  3. 7e99eef73419513742176b0000ad34be.png

    u know how long its been since i didnt have negative rep?

  4. too easy nowadays



  5. when will TP be recruiting again?



  7. Hello. This is a friendly reminder that cry is always 100% free when hoes mad.

  8. @Proud @thor I'll leave your appeals to a coin toss.

  9. @Mercury is actually a very nice guy. no one disrespect him or @Ryan is gonna beat u up

  10. #Free @Proud

    #Free @thor

    Engaging then killing is not failrp

  11. Huge thanks to @Kyle Lake for lifting my ban evasion perm. If this man bans you he'll actually talk to you in TS and sometimes help ya out. Also big thanks to @Hadi Mokdad for also helping me out 

  12. Huge thanks to @Kyle Lake for lifting my ban evasion perm. If this man bans you he'll actually talk to you in TS and sometimes help ya out. Also big thanks to @Hadi Mokdad for also helping me out 

  13. Follow 4 Follow?

  14. Staff killed me and teleported me.  Asks where I got $215 mil from.  Told him medic.  Felt good to be accused of hacked cash, knowing it’s all legit. :D

  15. can the log in screen get changed?

  16. Imagine hacking on arma in 2019 omegalul

  17. Should we be scared? lmao


  18. This'll teach you not to bring a ghosthawk to an event:


  19. anyone have song suggestions for a montage?

  20. Can we get a ETA on Thors unban 


  21. I'm hacking 


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