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darn fool

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Status Replies posted by darn fool

  1. I had the Rona, can i get my cop back?

    @All Staff 

  2. Oh how i love admins calling me a retard while im trying to report a corrupt admin for banning me for two weeks 😞 apparently im acting tough with  all my questions on why im  banned from salty admins with two week old evidence....

    this is my 3rd staff report to Chris GG and he keeps answering himself and not letting me talk to any other admins about his reckless behaviour - Olympus Entertainment - Mozilla Firefox 2020-06-19 12_37_00 PM (2).png

  3. Oh how i love admins calling me a retard while im trying to report a corrupt admin for banning me for two weeks 😞 apparently im acting tough with  all my questions on why im  banned from salty admins with two week old evidence....

    this is my 3rd staff report to Chris GG and he keeps answering himself and not letting me talk to any other admins about his reckless behaviour - Olympus Entertainment - Mozilla Firefox 2020-06-19 12_37_00 PM (2).png

  4. im in Canada too haha small world

  5. I might stream either "Papers Please" or "Cities Skylines" later tonight. Any suggestions between the two? I haven't played the first one, but I have played the second one.

    They're both kinda roleplay games tbh. lol

    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      Papers Please is fun asf and I don't ever play games that don't involve murdering people 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. my foot was up on my desk and i sneezed and sent my face flying into my knee and that shit hurted

  7. Gonna be a busy night tonight. Major crowds gathering to protest and starting to get a little heated.

    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      There is a protest going on 20 minutes from me. I live in the country man this is some bs

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. shits like GTA up here in buffalo. people shooting out of trucks and shit.

    but im an essential worker so i gotta stay open. 

    but shits real. its not just an internet thing. I hope everyone is safe and isn't a mong out here robbing stores. shits not cool and you are giving people life scars. 

  9. remove rain for fucksake

  10. @Mr GOAT how are you going to be able to tell if someone is using a ts notifier

  11. Good to have #MyLT @Goodman back at his correct whitelist.

  12. Happy 4/20 all month long! If your stuck at home and can't go outside then smoke as much weed as you can. ❤️ 

  13. i like deputies,  new and innocent. shout out to the deputies ! 

  14. 977bd977afa9c11b6b50f8d288a90cad.png

    This is pretty worrying IMO. I don't think there should be more active chief whitelists than all of Sapd combined. The better the equipment the more rare it should be.

    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      Aye dog when's the last time you saw a whitelisted chief play, let alone an inactive one

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. well some kid in the town next to me just got coronavirus, o7 to anyone in massachusetts

  16. I'm still not proud...


  17. If you're wondering why your status update with your stream in it keeps disappearing, it's because we literally have a widget right above the status updates here that says "Live Streams" which you can hook up to your forums account and it will update when you're live. Handy!

  18. HBD @Mike Lit keep dating your sister you faggot

  19. Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to escape the city, right? Walked right into that combine ambush, same as us, and that citizen over there.

    Damn you rebels. Earth was fine until you came along. Combine were nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that airboat and been halfway to Black Mesa East by now. You there -- You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's these rebels the Combine want.

    Gordon? The Opener of the Way? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us?

    I don't know where we're going, but Nova Prospekt awaits.

  20. yo who the fuck sandman and why he chief




    really though anyone who has had a internet relationship should be ineligible for any position of power this is why olympus is a breeding ground for pedophiles we got horny lonely ass teens trying to get their nut off using their video game ranks to do it also didnt this guy want to make it removable for cops not to roleplay every situation like good luck charlie have fun playing cop for half the money you fat bastards

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