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darn fool

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Status Replies posted by darn fool

  1. Out here raiding warzone, see 7 ifrits, tornado touched down 8 miles from my house. Have to DC. Sad days.

  2. This lady just tried to steal from a store and this dude walked into it on stream lmao. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/343402731?t=48m25s

  3. Christmas is around the corner... I smell wishlist's :wub:

  4. Would you be so kind as to uh.. get someone on my case perhaps? I get it, you're busy, but im frustrated and desperate. we all have problems. 

    But please take care of mine first

    Merry Christmas

  5. Bring back an actual media team (NOT IN GAME). Feel like it could actually pump out good content with the amount of talented editors in this community that are active

  6. Need help, got a 2nd monitor and I tried moving a window to that second monitor but it was lost in the abyss between monitors? How do I fix?

  7. Looking forward to the black friday highlights that happen in america 


  8. The Po Po's job is to protect the people and eradicate crime,so stop complaining about APD raiding warzone when it's their job.:Kappa:

  9. The Po Po's job is to protect the people and eradicate crime,so stop complaining about APD raiding warzone when it's their job.:Kappa:

  10. Hi papa i noticed you like alex terrible do you want to be best friends since we like the same music <3 <3 <3 <3

  11. Alright boys, got the job I’ve been looking for. Don’t worry though, I’ll still be super active just not as much during the day. Time to make some money!

  12. Free The Boys?

  13. it is my b day im 16 now

  14. hi there i was wondering how to be unbaned from olympus and walk me thru it i have been unbaned for almost 2years and i want to get back on the server :]


  15. you have perm banned me for scripting idk how to do scripting lmao you may have wrong person but ive been banned for like 1 day now please sort it out :)

    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      Fist line of defense: Say you don't know how and joke about it

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. A true Happy birthday to the day one boy @Ninjaman427. I can't even begin to count all the fun times we've had together mate....I know we don't play as much anymore, (mostly due to my RnR addiction) but just know I will always use vehicle chat to talk with you! I hope soon I get where I wanna be so we can once again play together. 


    --I love ya ninja :wub:

  17. If someone buys me a amazon echo I will write their name on my fore head or crack a egg on my head.

  18. But do you even have a real mustache?

  19. 20171024215434_1.jpg

    Imagine seeing this, a strip club.... LOL. But hey ever wonder where are all the females? Where have they taken our women!!

    So i'm good with making art and building, im gonna see what type of magic I can cook up. Spruce up a bit of things.

  20. Thanks for the morning aerial fights DB. Was fun af :wub:

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