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d a k o t a

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Everything posted by d a k o t a

  1. 20200604132624_1.thumb.jpg.ef5bae7bf121f98c8906f7d92e52b8d6.jpg @Ryan your only purpose in my colony is to mine gold like a jew. 
    but your very important for my colony tho

  2. @Zahzi eta on update? zzzz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Masonn


      No conquest and now no update zazhi finna get his house looted 😠

    3. Zahzi


      9 minutes ago, Masoooooooooon said:

      No conquest and now no update zazhi finna get his house looted 😠

      Nah, loot @Cyanide for sleeping through the conquest after telling me he'd do it 😞

    4. Masonn
  3. shits like GTA up here in buffalo. people shooting out of trucks and shit.

    but im an essential worker so i gotta stay open. 

    but shits real. its not just an internet thing. I hope everyone is safe and isn't a mong out here robbing stores. shits not cool and you are giving people life scars. 

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Country is collapsing around you but you still gotta put in that 9-5. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?

    2. darn fool
    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      28 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Country is collapsing around you but you still gotta put in that 9-5. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?

      the cops that are in the town where i work had triple the amount they usually do and saw one drive down/into the parking lot every 10 minutes so, it was reassuring. 

  4. eta on the homie bastro getting unbanned?

  5. damn @ikiled im off restrictions now, i thought i wasnt able to play on the server again nor be able to see the forums :thinking:

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ikiled


      Congrats, you got unbanned. If it was up to me no scripters or doxxers, ddosers etc would play this server and you would still be banned but im not staff anymore so they must've had a reason to unban you. @d a k o t a 

      like dante said, after the banning staff member dips i dont have a say in it anymore so its not up to me and your chances go up so if theres new policies, then thats what they follow

    3. Ronin


      time to turn one into two again!

    4. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      @Ronin already ahead of you fam


  6. facts @PURE P.K
  7. who r u
  8. damn, you can dox but we cant?
  9. @Ryanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZU7bTM4LbQ

    this is me about @bastro how you gonna clown him while we fighting 😞

  10. THE HOMEDOG IS FREE @bastro

    1. Ryan


      No, someone made an oopsie.

    2. d a k o t a
    3. Mighty


      That’s fucked lol

  11. all we need is da homi @bastro freed

  12. when bastro getting unbanned. 

  13. ETA on bastro getting unpermed @Zahzi @Ryan

  14. #FreeBastro

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mighty


      Come on he didn’t mean to acquire so many mar10’s that’s way he was selling them for only 100k. #FREEBASTRO

    3. Horizon


      it was just an accident 😢

  15. noooooo
  16. damn, i remember the santa selfie but bye man im glad you forgave me and that let me play on the server again
  17. i believe it is but im not sure, he hasent replied yet i hope hes ok
  18. he has a deepcool liquid cooler and the pipe on the block broke and split liquid all over his computer. and his shit wont turn on now.
  19. https://www.gofundme.com/f/my-boy-zuggy-computer-broke-he-need-a-new-one-039?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 @Ziggyuwu has fallen on hard times, consider donating your hard earned cash to this retard.
  20. who are you
  21. weird flex but ok
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